Title: 利用奈米壓印技術製作前瞻奈米光學結構 應用於提升鈣鈦礦太陽能電池之研究
Enhancement of Perovskite Solar Cell by Using Prospective Optical Nanostructure made by Nanoimprimt Lithography
Authors: 顏聖倫
Yan, Sheng-Lun
Lin, Shih-Chun
Shen, Chang-Hong
電子工程學系 電子研究所
Keywords: 鈣鈦礦太陽能電池;奈米壓印微影技術;奈米結構;perovskite solar cell;nanoimprint lithography;nano-structure
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 近年來,鈣鈦礦太陽能電池崛起,吸引許多團隊投入研究。本論文使用溶液製程製作高效率鈣鈦礦太陽能電池,並且搭配奈米壓印微影技術製作奈米光學結構,探討奈米光學結構應用於鈣鈦礦太陽能電池之影響,期望未來有助於製作大面積太陽能電池。   實驗中選用低成本高輸出的奈米壓印微影技術製作奈米光學結構,目的是為了搭配鈣鈦礦電池低成本的優勢,提升太陽能電池效率之餘也確保成本不會太過高昂,有助於降低供電成本。   雖然實驗結果說明了兩項技術未能利用本論文之方法達到有效地結合,但本論文也建立了兩樣技術的標準流程,未來我們也期望能利用這些技術做為根基,往高效率太陽能電池的研究持續努力。
Recently, as a new material for solar cell, perovskite solar cell have attracted extensive attention, and lots of groups have studied in this research. We fabricate high efficiency perovskite solar cell by solution process, and fabricate prospective optical nanostructure by Nanoimprint Lithography(NIL). By these two technology, we discuss the enhancement of perovskite solar cell by using optical nanostructure. This may be a promising approach for the fabrication of large-area perovskite solar cell.   In our experiment, we want to enhance the performance of perovskite solar cell but we do not want the cost of fabrication to be expensive, so we choose NIL as the way to fabricate optical nanostructure because of the advantages of low cost and high throughput. Although the experiment results show that our method do not work, we still establish two standard process of fabricating perovskite solar cell and optical nanostructure. In the future, we expect to keep studying high efficiency solar cell by using these two technologies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis