Title: 原型建築設計思考-原形系統構築
Prototyping Achitecture Design Thinking-Prototype,System,Tectonic
Authors: 楊博輔
Yang, Po-Fu
Keywords: 建築;設計;原形;構築;Architecture;Design;Tectonic;Prototype
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: " 原型" 的字面意義是原始的" 型"。哲學家柏拉圖曾經在他的哲學理論中提到: 世界萬物皆有一個創始的原始模型,而一切萬物的哲理脈絡皆從此開始。而最早將原型以理論的方式完整提出的是一位來自瑞士的心理學家榮格(Carl
Gustav.Jung) 的原型心理學。榮格在他的原型心理學中的理論中提到,所謂的原型其實是一種集體潛意識,透過經驗以及成長環境所自然而然產生對於事物的既定認知方式以及意識形態。

而原型在心理學體系中其實又可以有兩種表達方式一種是"Archetype" 另一種則是"Prototype" 兩者在中文都被翻譯作為”原型”但在實際的意義上Archetype 所表達的是一種既定的意識形態,比如說文化、歷史、社會認知
等已知的事物,而Prototype 則表示一件事物還處於一種原始並未開發的狀態,但本身是具有發展潛能的原始模型。通常表達的就是一個設計邏輯中最本質的起點。

原型X 系統X 構築

在五年的建築教育中,設計的類別往往都是既定的圖書館、學校、機場、辦公大樓.. 等原型(Archetype)。而在兩年的研究所學習過程中,我開始試著透過Prototype 的觀點更深入的去探討建築領域中更接近本質的部分。 因此當我們透過原型的觀點來看待一個設計過程,構成一個完整原型設計流程的關鍵因素就是原型,系統與構築方式。

在這篇論文中我們將透過兩個不同的案例,說明如何先從一個既定的都市原型(Archetype) 中,一層一層的過濾與篩選後尋找這個原型的起始狀態(Prototype)。在第二個案例中則是直接的透過定義某種物件原型(Prototype)實際的將原型的特性運用在真實的議題上來進行檢視。 並且更深入的試著用不同原型定義方式,說明原型系統在面對不同的議題上所能創造出來的設計可能性與方法。
“Archetype,” in the literal sense, means the beginning, original pattern of the source. The Greek philosopher
Plato mentioned this concept, saying that everything in the universe has a form and everything starts from
there. However, the archetype was first theorized about in psychologist Carl Gustav Jung’s theory of archetypal
psychology. Jung indicates that archetypes are part of a collective unconscious. The archetypal patterns are
naturally generated through personal experience and the environment, so that cognitive style and ideology are
established spontaneously.

“Archetype” is often used interchangeably with the word “prototype” in the field of psychology; both of them
mean “the original model.” However, the primary sense of “archetype” refers to an ideology established from
cultural, historical, and social contexts. On the other hand, “prototype” refers to an initial model that has not yet been developed but has potential, and it usually means the starting point of the logic behind the design.

Prototype x System x Tectonic

During my five years of architectural education back at the university, design categories always fell into fixed
archetypes such as libraries, schools, airports, and office buildings. However, in my two years at the Graduate
Institute of Architecture, I began exploring in depth the essence of architecture through the views of the
prototype. Therefore, when we look at the processes of design through the views of prototypes, we realize that
the prototype system and the ways of tectonic are the key factors that constitute the complete design process
of a prototype. In this thesis, we will examine through two different projects, starting with explaining how to find
the initial model (prototype) of an established urban archetype through filtering and screening. Then, in the
second case, we will review the real issue and situation that utilize the features of a prototype through defining
the prototype of an object from a practical point of view. By viewing different ways of defining prototypes with
deeper insights, we attempt to express how many possibilities and methods a prototype system could create
from a design when confronted with different issues.
Appears in Collections:Thesis