標題: 構築-從維度到工匠藝術
TECTONICS -From Dimension To Crafsmanship
作者: 陳思因
關鍵字: 維度;剖面;時間;構築;接點;材料;Dimension;Section;Time;Tectonics;Joint;Material
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 建築專業到最後追求的是一種形式系統,建築師無不希冀,大刀在時間上 一剖,剖出的正是自己在建築舞台上留下的那一章。 剖面的概念在建築中並不陌生,本文在第一章『維度與臆測』的案例 [六面 體操作實驗]指出我們都是藉由二維剖面資訊來臆測三維。 如果說時間的剖 面是空間經驗,那麼建築師是用什模樣的空間形式來展現這個經驗? 第二章『懸吊結構與輕』即透過案例[潮間帶]將維度拉到四維,利用懸吊結 構輕盈的特性,能迅速的縮放,創造出適應基地需求的空間。第二個案例 「雲端監獄」講述懸吊結構的輕抵抗了物質的重,構築的「線與塊體」形 式特性將時間單流向的宿命與空間永恆下墜的重力凝結起來。 最後一張『韌構築』則針對竹材呈現另一種構築形式, 「竹與石的接合實 驗」 用兩個作品介紹如何使用竹子的韌性來結合石頭。第二個案例「啪噹 啪噹衝浪小屋」展示竹構築從模型到施工放樣的案例,講述工藝在竹構築 的重要性。施工必須考慮「工序」這樣時間因子在裡頭,並且對材料施工 時往往超過三維能簡單描述的範疇。竹構築所展現形式美感的豐富性來手 工藝。 從維度起始至工藝止,從構築藉由形式凝結時間的抽象概念講起至構築實 際操作面為止。本文希望近來竹構築所帶來新的形式、新的空間經驗能在 建築專業中留下它自己的扉頁。
In the pursue of architecture, a signature form system might just be the ultimate goal of all. Every architect is seeking that if one is to cut a section on time, his/ her own form system can be shown along the stream of time. Section is not an unfamiliar concept in architecture. In this paper, the first project “Hypercube & Its Shadows”demonstrates how we imagine three dimension world through information from two dimesion world. Nevertheless, our suspection can be inaccurate due to the lack of one dimension informaion. The second project ”Tidal Architecture”, raise the dimension to the forth dimension, time. It argues that the section of time is the promenade experience. How do architect demonstrate this experience? In the second chapter “Time & Tectonics”, two projects “Cloud Prison”and “The Experiment of Bamboo & Stone”show how tectonics solidifies time through different forms of joint. The various form of joints is due to different characteristics of materials. The last chapter “Tectonics & Craftsmanship” demonstrates the relationship between tectonics and craftsmanship through project “Padang Padang Surf Lodge”. From modles to actual architecture, craftsmanship is the essence of bamboo tectonics. Craftsmanship is playing a critical role even in this advanced technology world. Our manipulation of material often exceeds simple three dimension movements. Construction often requires pull, ti, . Must of all, we have to consider steps of construction, and agility of man power really comes to use in it. The beauty of bamboo form comes from bamboo tectonics, which should give much credits to craftsmanship. From dimension to craftsmanship, from abstract concept of solidifying time to the actual construction, this paper hopes new ways to bamboo tectonics left a signature form in architecture.


  1. 751601.pdf

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