Title: 應用遊戲式的設計思考訓練與活動理論於協作創新的輔助
Applying Game-Based Design Thinking Training and Activity Theory to Aid Collaborative Innovation
Authors: 林佩瑜
Lin, Pei-Yu
Hsu, Shang-Hwa
Keywords: 社會創新 遊戲式訓練 設計思考 活動理論 協作創新輔助機制;social innovation game-based training design thinking activity theory collaborative innovation support mechanism
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 社會創新是透過眾人的智慧來改善未解決的社會問題,在社會創新歷程的解法產生階段,強調群眾藉協同合作(collaboration)的方式來產生解決辦法。本研究參考設計思考(design thinking)中,參與者從發散大量的想法,到收斂最終想法的協同創造(co-creation)歷程,作為社會創新團隊的解法產生架構。此歷程不僅需要團隊一同工作,更仰賴於成員間知識與資訊的有效交換。然而,過去研究指出協同創造的團隊常會產生負向的交流模式,這不僅會降低創新團隊參與者的資訊貢獻與知識分享的動機,更會導致團隊的互動歷程受阻,使得生產力下降。 因此,本研究提出遊戲式的設計思考訓練,做為創新團隊在協作創新歷程時的發散輔助工具,透過遊戲化的體驗促進參與感受,提升設計思考技巧的學習,協助團隊進行有效的知識交流與想法發散;此外,本研究運用活動理論做為協作創新歷程時的收斂參考架構,輔助團隊使用情境為設計的思考模式,進行想法關係間的連結,歸納與問題情境相依的最終解決辦法。 研究透過實驗檢驗遊戲式設計思考訓練與活動理論的機制效果,招募20組跨領域創新團隊,進行社會議題的協作創新。結果顯示活動理論的機制有益於輔助團隊以問題情境為思考架構,發展出情境相依的具體化解決辦法。因此,未來協作平台設計者可以參考此機制架構,透過資訊通訊科技與多媒體技術發展線上協作創新平台,提供創新團隊情境式的創新輔助工具。
Ensuring that social innovation team member could collaborate and exchange their information to each other is the key to successful innovation. However, innovation teams often encountered negative interactions in collaboration. This phenomenon will decrease member’s motivation for sharing their ideas, and lead to low production performance. In order to improve collaborative innovation performance of social innovation team, we combined game-based design thinking training and activity theory to aid collaborative innovation process. First, we used game-based training in the divergent process of innovation. Game-based training provides users with immersive gaming experience which could enhance their engagement and efficiency in learning design thinking skills. Second, we used activity theory in the convergent process of innovation. Activity theory is a method of human computer interaction design, which provides a context model for team members to organize ideas and concretize final solutions. Results showed positive effect of activity theory in improving collaborative innovation performance. In the future, this support mechanism could be a reference model for designers to establish an online platform.
Appears in Collections:Thesis