標題: Theory of Triplet Excitation Transfer in the Donor-Oxygen-Acceptor System: Application to Cytochrome b(6)f
作者: Petrov, Elmar G.
Robert, Bruno
Lin, Sheng Hsien
Valkunas, Leonas
National Chiao Tung University
公開日期: 20-Oct-2015
摘要: Theoretical consideration is presented of the triplet excitation dynamics in donor-acceptor systems in conditions where the transfer is mediated by an oxygen molecule. It is demonstrated that oxygen may be involved in both real and virtual intramolecular triplet-singlet conversions in the course of the process under consideration. Expressions describing a super-exchange donor-acceptor coupling owing to a participation of the bridging twofold degenerate oxygen\'s virtual singlet state are derived and the transfer kinetics including the sequential (hopping) and coherent (distant) routes are analyzed. Applicability of this theoretical description to the pigment-protein complex cytochrome b(6)f, by considering the triplet excitation transfer from the chlorophyll a molecule to distant beta-carotene, is discussed.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2015.08.026
ISSN: 0006-3495
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2015.08.026
Volume: 109
起始頁: 1735
結束頁: 1745
Appears in Collections:Articles