Title: A 2.6mW,-192dB/Hz FOM Class-C QVCO Using Capacitive Source Degeneration Coupling
Authors: Hong, Zhi-Hao
Wu, Chuan-Yi
Liao, Yu-Te
Undergraduate Honors Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Keywords: Low phase noise;Low power;Startup robustness;Capacitive source degeneration coupling
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2014
Abstract: The paper presents a novel Class-C type QVCO using a capacitive source coupling mechanism to enhance the startup robustness over process-temperature-voltage variations. Class-C type oscillator has superior phase noise performance with low power consumption at the cost of weak startup. In this design, complementary architecture and capacitive source degeneration coupling are employed to increase the loop gain of Class-C quadrature oscillator. The capacitive coupling mechanism also provides extra phase shifts that eliminate the quality factor degradation of the LC tank in QVCO design. An optimal coupling factor is derived to compromise power-phase noise trade-offs. The proposed 2.4GHz QVCO, fabricated in 0.18 mu m CMOS technology, achieves -128dBc/Hz at 1MHz offsets while only consuming 2.6mW. The design attains a remarkable figure-of-merit (FOM) of -192dB/Hz.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/128662
ISBN: 978-1-4799-3869-8
ISSN: 0149-645X
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper