Title: The investigation of interfacial and crystallographic observation in the Ni(V)/SAC/OSP Cu solder joints with high and low silver content during thermal cycling test
Authors: Lee, Christine Jill
Chen, Wei-Yu
Chou, Tzu-Ting
Lee, Tae-Kyu
Wu, Yew-Chung
Chang, Tao-Chih
Duh, Jenq-Gong
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2015
Abstract: This study investigated the microstructure and grain orientation of Ni(V)/SAC396/OSP Cu and Ni(V)/SAC105/OSP Cu solder joints during thermal cycling test (TCT). In general, adjusting Ag content in solders influenced the performance of thermal cycling (TC). Nevertheless, it is still crucial to find the optimal condition of Ag and related mechanisms of crack formation during TCT. This study applied FE-SEM to observe the crack propagation and the precipitation of Sn-Ag IMCs in the solders. Moreover, FE-EPMA and EBSD were used to detect the elemental distribution and grain orientation near the cracks, respectively. The locations of crack initiation are strongly related to the CTE mismatch between Si chip and solder alloy. Besides, the large number of Ag3Sn precipitations in the joint with high Ag content efficiently hinder the crack propagation due to the effects of precipitation hardening. It is revealed that the Ni(V)/SAC396/OSP Cu exhibits good thermal stability during thermal cycle test.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10854-015-3687-7
ISSN: 0957-4522
DOI: 10.1007/s10854-015-3687-7
Volume: 26
Issue: 12
Begin Page: 10055
End Page: 10061
Appears in Collections:Articles