標題: 中文動詞詞彙語意網的建構:空間配置動詞的詞彙及構式研究
Verbs of Spatial Configuration: A Usage-Based Lexical-Constructional Approach
作者: 劉美君
Liu Mei-chun
關鍵字: 中文動詞語意網;漢語空間配置動詞;詞彙語意;使用為本的詞彙構式理論;框架語意;動詞語意類型;語法語意互動;概念結構;Mandarin VerbNet;Verbs of Spatial Configuration;Usage-based Lexical-Constructional Approach;Frame Semantics;Verbal Semantics;Verb classes
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本計晝的目的在研究中文與放置語意相關的動詞類型,探討三大類動詞語意語法互 動現象及詞彙類型特徵,以繼續推動「中文動詞語意網」的建構工作。過去的計晝已完 成溝通類、認知類、感知類、情緒類、評價類、社交互動類與空間移動類七大類動詞的 研究。語意網的訊息包括語意框架的定義與概念,框架内部的語法語意區別,次框架及 近義詞組的異同,並探討框架中的跨類現象。經由結合框架理論(Frame Semantics)及 構式語法(Construction Grammar)建構出剖析與分類的原則,同時擴大語意訊息範圍, 涵蓋概念結構(conceptual schema )、基本句式(defining pattern )與共現模式(collocational association),深化詞彙與構式間的連結性與區辨性。承接前兩年對移動及他動動詞的 研究,本計晝將探討由他動事件(caused motion)所延伸出的空間方位關係,進行與「空 間配置」相關的動詞類型研究(Verbs of Spatial Configuration)。此類動詞在認知概念上 承接「移動+處所+空間配置狀態」的連續事件體(event chain),語意上有不同的侧重面 向(semantic profile),語法上則搭配三種典型句式:及物處置式(Agentive Transitive)、不 及物結果式(Theme-subject Causative)、處所倒裝式(Locative Inversion): 放置者為主語:放置者<把<放置物<V<在/於<處所 例:我把書放在桌上 放置物為主語:放置物<V<在/於< 處所 例:書放在桌上 處所為主語: 處所<V<放置物 例:桌上放著一本書 本研究將根據「使用為本的詞彙構式理論」(Usage-based Lexical-Constructional Approach, Boas 2003)來界定詞彙語意類型及搭配的構式原則。因空間配置動詞的類性極廣,以三 年為期,全面深入探討相關的三大類型:放置類動詞、裝置類動詞、及灌置類動詞。 第一年探討典型的「放置類」動詞(Verbs of Putting),此類動詞表達放置物客體(Theme) 和放置處所(Location)之間的空間方位關係。依語意語法表現不同,又分為二大次類:一 為描述放置關係的「擺放類」(Put/Ajrange Subtype),如:放、藏、存、擺、埋。二為著 重空間方位的「吊掛類」(Hang Subtype),如:掛、懸、吊。研究課題將著重在對此類 近130個動詞的語料分析,釐清各類型分佈特徵、語意框架、參與角色、句式表現、時 態特徵及共現結構,探討詞彙與構式互動下所呈現的語法/語意相互連結的共性與特性。 第二年探討「裝置類」動詞(Verbs of Loading),此類動詞表達裝填物(containee)與裝 填處所(container)間的空間關係。語法上呈現「處所」顯著,可直接作賓語(如:裝箱、 填表格、塗麵包),亦有客體省略的句式。依照處所空間性質分為兩大次類:1)裝填類 (Load/fill Subtype)表達容器與填裝物的涵蓋關係,如:裝、塞、填、打包;2)塗抹類(命ra_y Subtype)表達平面覆蓋關係,如:塗、抹、擦、拭、敷。在共現模式上這兩類的處所成 分帶有不同的方位標記,語意上亦侧重不同的成分。研究重點在剖析此類近102個動詞, 釐清概念基模、框架成份、基本句式、及共現模式等特徵,據以探討與放置動詞的異同。 第三年探討「灌置類動詞」(Verbs of Pouring),典型客體以液體居多,語意上凸顯 客體的處置方位,語法上較常出現對象標記、處所省略、以客體為工具及雙賓結構的句 式。根據語意、構詞及構式區別,又分為倒注類(Pour Subtype),如倒、灌、澆、注、 傾,以及發讓類{Splash Subtype),如發、讓、濺。在結果狀態的描述上,倒注類本身 蘊含一預設方向,常與方向性補語結合成固定的詞彙(如:倒入/進/出),而潑灑類動詞可 把處所對象當作受詞(如:我潑他硫酸)。本年研究重點為分析此類近95個動詞的概念結 構、框架成份、構詞、語法特徵、及分佈使用特性,並探討語意類型間的跨類互動關係。 本三年期研究計晝採用語料庫為本的分析方法,進行構詞、句法、共現模式的系統 整理,各年均針對與空間置放相關的不同類型「放置類」、「裝置類」,及「灌置類」分 別進行語意類型的共性與特性剖析,藉由深入探討各類動詞的語意、語法特徵,為動詞 類型研究提出更細緻的分析與分類原則。期許藉由探究空間移動至空間配置的連續事件 結構(event chain),為動詞語意的分類及跨類研究開拓創新的架構與全新的視野。
The proposed research aims to explore the semantic-to-syntactic correlations characteristic of Mandarin verbs of spatial configuration. This 3-year project is a continued endeavor in investigating Mandarin verbs and verb classes for the construction of Mandarin VerbNet. Previous NSC-sponsored projects have completed seven major verb classes pertaining to the domains of communication, cognition, perception, emotion, judgment, social interaction, and spatial motion. Integrating Frame Semantics (Fillmore & Atkins 1992) and Construction Grammar (Goldberg 1995, 2010), a hierarchical frame taxonomy has been proposed for each domain with clearly defined conceptual schemas, frame elements, constructional patterns as well as collocational associations, based on corpora analyses. The goal is to provide systematic and linguistically crucial information for the Mandarin verbal lexicon (Liu 2013, Liu & Chiang 2008, Liu 2003, Liu 2002). The current proposal probes into the syntactically-relevant semantic distinctions lexicalized in verbs of SPATIO-CONFIGURATIONAL PLACEMENT. Verbs of spatial configuration are contingent on a conceptual background from Motion, Direction, to Location and Spatial Configuration. They differ from Caused Motion verbs that emphasize the initial stages of the event chain. Cross-linguistically, verbs of spatial configuration involve AGENT, THEME, and LOCATION. According to Levin (1993), ten different verb classes are distinguished and FrameNet (framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/) has listed 7 frames for placing events. However, there has not been a comprehensive study of the Mandarin verbs and verb classes related to spatial configuration. With a focus on verb frames, the research will spend three years to investigate three large classes of spatio-configurational verbs, in the light of a usage-based lexical-constructional approach (Boas 2003). In general, verbs in this domain involve three prototypical syntactic patterns: (1) Agent-Subject transitive:[我Agent]把[書Theme]放在[桌上Location] (2) Theme-Subject intransitive:[書Theme]放在[桌上Location] (3) Locative inversion:[桌上Location]放著[一本書Theme] Given the heterogeneous nature of the domain, three major classes need to be distinguished. For each class, a wide range of collocational and distributional features will be analyzed in detail for a frame-based lexical-constructional account of the lexicalization patterns: 1st year—Verbs of Putting (nearly 130 verbs): feature in the spatial relation of a moved entity (THEME) with its ending LOCATION, caused by a motion-initiating AGENT. Further distinctions on role selection, aspectual and collocational differences can divide the verbs into two subtypes: Put/Arrange subtype (fang放,cdng藏,ctin存,擺),profiling the spatial disposal of Theme; and Hang subtype (Un 懸,gu&掛,diOo 吊),profiling the spatial configuration of Location. Detailed semantic distinctions will be given with syntactic criteria. 2nd year—Verbs of Loading (nearly 102 verbs): feature in the spatial relation of Container with Containee. Syntactically, they allow single-argument expressions that focus only on the Containee/Container with further distinguished variations. There are two subtypes: Load subtype (zhudng裝,sdi塞,tidn填,ddMo打包、profiling the disposal of Containee; and Spray subtype (如塗,md抹,cd擦,fU敷)focusing more on the effect of the containing surface. 3rd year—Verbs of Pouring (nearly 95 verbs): feature in the disposal of liquid-like Theme. Semantically, they tend to encode Location as a directional Goal. Further distinguished on collocational patterns are: Pour subtype (ddo倒,guan灌,qing傾,zh众注)and Splash subtype (po潑,sa灑,)that differ in the ways of encoding the locational Goal. The aim of the three-year project is to thoroughly investigate three major classes of Mandarin verbs related to motion-location-spatial configuration, each with a diverse set of lemmas, in order to establish a principled framework for analyzing and categorizing multi-faceted verbs that are conceptually related to an event chain of motional configuration.
官方說明文件#: MOST103-2410-H009-022-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130381