Title: 「三代」想像與德川後期儒學政治思想──從徂徠後學到後期水戶學──
Idealizing the Three Dynasties and Confucian Political Thoughts in Late Tokugawa Period: From the Sorai School to the Late Mito School
Authors: 藍弘岳
Hung-Yueh Lan
Keywords: 「三代」;政治思想;徂徠後學;後期水戶學;會澤正志齋;‘Three Dynasties’;political thoughts;Sorai School;Late Mito_x000d_
School;Aizawa Seishisai
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在德川日本的知識人全面吸收近代西方知識之前,且又在他們對理學知識感到懷疑之際,「三代」的思想與制度成為他們建構思想的重要資源。故本研究擬在共有「三代」思想資源的東亞漢文圏視野中,透過比較等手法,説明德川後期儒者如何透過對漢文經典的解讀和研究來想像與認識「三代」,並以之為基準認識古代日本,從而批評當代日本之政治與文化的問題。這是企圖將日本漢學研究與日本政治思想史研究結合的研究計畫。
Japan’s development since the middle of the nineteenth century is usually
summarized by the concept ‘westernization’; yet, such a perspective neglects
the influence carried by indigenous traditions in the formation of modern Japan.
In fact, before the Tokugawa intellectuals began to frantically absorb modern
Western knowledge, also when they began to doubts the knowledge of New
Confucianism, the ideas from ‘Three Dynasties’ of ancient China seems to
became important resources for them to construct their own knowledge. So in
this search project, I will explain how the Confucians imaged the ‘Three
Dynasties’ by the interpretation of the Chinese Classics. Further, I will discuss
how they saw the ancient Japanese history, and how they saw or criticized the
Tokugawa society and political systems by the idealized ‘Three Dynasties’
Basing on an awareness of this issue, this project aims to introduce the
knowledge of “Kangaku” (Chinese-learning) as one of the contexts in the
history of political thoughts in late Tokugawa period by focusing on the Sorai
School to and late Mito School. First, I will survey the works of famous
disciples of Ogyū sorai, namely Hattori Nankaku, Dazai Shundai and Yamagata
Shūnan to analyze how they imaged the ‘Three Dynasties’ of ancient China and
how they saw or criticized the Tokugawa society and political systems by the
idealized ‘Three Dynasties’ imagination. Then, I will survey the connections
between the Sorai School to and late Mito School, and focusing on Aizawa
Seishisai who had read a lot of works of Ogyū sorai to analyze how he
developed the ideas of Ogyū Sorai and his disciples. In doing so, this project
intends to reconstruct the history of late Tokugawa political thoughts, and to
provide some relevant clues for further thinking.
Gov't Doc #: MOST103-2410-H009-006-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130421
Appears in Collections:Research Plans