標題: 「武國」之知與「海國」之政---日本幕末時期的外交思想探析
The Learning of Samurai and the Diplomatic Thought of Bakumatu Japan
作者: 藍弘岳
Hung-Yueh Lan
關鍵字: 會澤正志齋 水?學 國家想像 亞洲論述;Aizawa Seishisai Mito School National Imagination Discourse of Asia
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 「武國」之知與「海國」之政:日本幕末時期的外交思想探析 在台灣學界,當代日本政治及近代日本的亞洲主義等的政治 思想尚有人研究,至於德川時代的外交思想等,則可説是一個尚 待開發的研究領域。其實,近代日本的外交思想大都可追遡到十 八、十九世紀德川日本的外交思想,故欲了解當代或近代日本之 外交思惟,德川時代之外交思想的分析亦是必要的。本研究在此 一問題意識之下,主要將以德川後期之外交思想為主要研究對 象,以釐清執政的武士與輔導政治的儒者的學問與幕末時期的外 交政治的關聯為目的。 又,本研究在重視東亞視野的同時亦顧及日本傳統社會、語 言對近代日本思想的影響,故本研究將從德川社會體制的特色着 手,將研究對象分為對幕末的外交思想有極大影響力的水戸藩、 實際做決策的幕府與親幕府諸藩、打倒德川幕府的西南雄藩等三 個主要的幕末思想家群體。然後,從出版文化論、翻譯論、政治 思想史等觀分析〈神國、武國、海國的日本認識〉〈中華的位移〉、 〈亞細亞的想像〉這三種思想的交錯。透過對上述之問題的研 究,本研究企圖更立體、多元地呈現日本幕末時期的外交思想, 進而突破一國史觀的日本思想史研究困境,論述近代日本的政治 思想與其他東亞諸國間的思想連鎖等的問題。
The Learning of Samurai and The Diplomatic Thought of Bakumatu Japan Asianism has played an important role in the modern East Asia history, but there are just a few academic research about the Asianism in Taiwan, and almost no research of Tokugawa political thought that preceding the Asiaism has been done. So in this research project, I will focus on the late Tokugawa political thought preceding the Asiaism, especially the diplomatic thought of late Tokugawa period. I will explore how the learning of samurai such as Confucianism and Dutch Learning and National study concerned with the diplomatic politics of late Tokugawa period. In the first year, I will research the Mito domain(水戸藩) samurais’s political thought which has been playing a major role in the late Tokugawa period diplomatic politics. In the second year, I will explore how Tokugawa Bakufu scholars’s thought influenced the Tokugawa Bakufu’s diplomatic decisions. In the third year, I will survey the diplomatic thought of seinan yūhan(西南雄藩)’s samurais to clarify why they were against the Tokugawa Bakufu and finally can lead Japan to the Meiji Restoration. Then, this research project will focus the topic on how the samurais of Bakumatu Japan recognized Japan and China, and how their imaged the Asia in the late Tokugawa period. In doing so, I intend to clarify the entangled diplomatic thought of late Tokugawa Japan, tring to provide an illuminating and extensive account of the historical backgrounds of Asiaism and essential information and analyses for anyone with an interest in history as well as Asian and Japanese studies.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2410-H009-042
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100651


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