標題: 親屬與性別:閩西、粵東、北台灣客家家族史與女性口述史料蒐集與整理(4)
作者: 簡美玲
Mei-Ling Chien
關鍵字: 親屬與性別;家族史;女性生命史;口說與文字;客家;華南與北臺灣;kinship and gender;family history;women's life history;orality and literacy;Hakka;South China and North Taiwan
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在探索客家特性與客家知識的傳統建構與當代再現的議題上,親屬與性別的經驗現象及其間的經驗與理論關聯是不可忽略的重要部分。華南與北臺灣的婚姻、家庭型態與女性角色的關聯,是人類學、歷史人口學與地方社會史學者多年來共同關切的核心議題,也提出不同理論觀點來解釋。延續2004年起至今,筆者在粵東與北臺灣所展開的客家親屬與性別的研究,本計畫擬聚焦在19世紀晚期至大戰後期,並經由跨區域與客語方言群的比較視野,有系統的蒐集與整理閩西、粵東與北臺灣竹苗客家地區的口述史與文書資料,希冀作為探索客家親屬與性別文化之傳統重構與當代變遷的基礎。延續民國102年閩西地區家譜資料的蒐集與研究,民國103年北臺灣客家女性生命史敘事與粵東家族史敘事的整理及分析,在民國104年起筆者擬以閩西客家地區(南靖、上杭、永定)親屬與性別的口述史敘事與文獻資料蒐集與整理為民族誌田野工作與研究推動的主軸。預期在前述研究與材料的積累下,能在未來二年期研究計畫的執行下,進行以區域的比較觀點,整理與闡述閩西、粵東與北臺灣客家的親屬與性別經驗與現象的特性與區域性。此一華南與北臺灣的客家親屬與性別的區域研究成果,不僅是客家知識體系重要的環節,也可能是全球客家論述裡在區域及性別上,頗為關鍵的參照點。
“Kinship and Gender” is an important issue on the study of Hakka culture, society, history, and its presentation of tradition and modernity. The social role of women and its relations to kinship, marriage, and family in the areas of South China and Northern Taiwan has long been a common theoretical and topical interest for anthropology, historical demography and social history. Continuing my study on kinship and gender of Hakka among east Guangdong and northern Taiwan since 2004, this research project will especially focus on collecting and analyzing the narrations and archives on kinship and gender of the Hakka communities among the west Hokkien areas (Nanjing, Shanghan, Youngding) for the coming two years, 2015 and 2016. Above all, this project will explore the diversity and interaction between the oral and the written narrations of Hakka society in east Guangdong, west Hokkien and northern Taiwan through the areal and comparative aspect. In concluding, based on the regional and comparative aspects, this study explores how the historicity and gender diversity from narrations and archives influence the formation and transformation of Hakkalogy.
官方說明文件#: 104-01-02
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/131006
Appears in Collections:Research Plans