標題: Compact 3D-MEMS-meander rnonopole antenna
作者: Huang, CU
Chen, IY
Chen, HJH
Jou, CF
Huang, SRS
Institute of Communications Engineering
公開日期: 13-十月-2005
摘要: A MEMS meander monopole antenna is fabricated in the form of a folded microstrip on the upper and bottom surfaces of the substrate. This design is based on the meander line principle with a three-dimensional structure to achieve reduced size compared to many other small size printed antennas. The MEMS technologies, such as excimer laser drilling and copper electroplating were used in the fabrication of this antenna. This antenna can be mounted on the silicon wafer by anodic bonding technology. The design features 2.45 GHz operating frequency with 190 MHz bandwidth for WLAN applications. The geometric length of the antenna is 21 mm, and the width is 4 mm. Measured results have good agreement with simulation data.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/el:20052677
ISSN: 0013-5194
DOI: 10.1049/el:20052677
Volume: 41
Issue: 21
起始頁: 1149
結束頁: 1151


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