Title: 高光效能車用內嵌互動抬頭顯示系統開發
Development of High Efficiency Vehicle Embedded Interactive Head-up Display System
Authors: 陳政寰 
Keywords: 抬頭顯示器;高指向性背光;色序驅動;手勢偵測與識別 ;Head-up display (HUD);Highly directional backlight;field sequential color scheme;Gesture_x000d_ detection and recognition 
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 近年來,隨著汽車儀表板提供的資訊越來越豐富,且駕駛員對智慧手機的依賴越發嚴重,駕駛員 低頭查看儀表板或手機成為造成交通事故的重要原因之一。因此,為了更好的駕駛安全性,對高性能 抬頭顯示器之需求越來越迫切。另外,隨著豐富的資訊被顯示於抬頭顯示器,也產生了駕駛者與顯示 資訊做人機互動之需求。 縱觀所蒐集文獻與產品,為迎合高解析度高性能內嵌抬頭顯示器之需求,以液晶顯示器配合LED 背光源,輔以光機系統將影像導入駕駛員視線,是目前抬頭顯示器最佳之解決方案。另一方面,為在 汽車內複雜環境實現高及時性高準確度之手勢偵測,基於紅外光的結構光技術亦是良好的技術選擇。 本子計畫旨在開發具備人機互動功能的內嵌車用抬頭顯示器之光學系統,使其具備高輝度、高光學 效能、高影像品質、等優勢。開發計劃分為二年。第一年以光利用效率改善為主軸,第二年以建立 互動功能為目標。執行上均分為光機硬體、電子驅動與軟體以及人因研究三部份,分由三個子計畫 執行。第一年將利用無彩色濾光片之1.8"與7"液晶面板搭配RGBW-LED 分別設計製作出放大投射 型與直視型之高效率HUD 模組。第二年將以紅外光發射源配合結構光產生元件,發展可嵌入第一年 所發展抬頭顯示裝置之人機互動裝置。整合二年的開發成果,將發展出具前瞻性之高光效能並具互 動功能之車用抬頭顯示裝置,為國內廠商在此一車用電子領域奠定技術領先之競爭優勢。 
Recently, due to richer information provided by vehicle dashboard and stronger dependency of driver on smart phone, it has become one of the most important reason of traffic accident that driver views dashboard with head-down posture. Therefore, the demand of head-up display (HUD) with high performances becomes more and more insistent. Additionally, because of the rich information shown on head-up display, the demand of man-machine interaction between displayed information and the driver is created. According to surveyed literatures and productions, at present, it is the best HUD solution to use liquid crystal display with LED backlight and guide the image into driver’s sight with the aid of some kind of opto-mechanical systemon account ofthe requirement of high resolution and high performances. On the other hand, in complex vehicle environment, it is also preferred technical solution to realize gesture detection with high instantaneity and accuracy by using structure light based on infrared (IR) light. This proposal is focused on developing optical system of embed HUD with man-machine interaction function, and realzing its advantages of high brightness, high optical efficiency, high image quality, compact volume and so on. The project is planned for two years. The first year focuses on the improvement of light efficiency, and the second year on human-machine interface. All divided into three parts as three sub-projects, including hardware, electronics and software, and human factor research. The outcome of this project will be a high light efficiency HUD with interactive function. This advanced HUD module will help to upgrade the domestic industry of vehicle electronics. 
Gov't Doc #: MOST103-2622-E009-019-CC2 
URI: https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=8407214&docId=451462
Appears in Collections:Research Plans