標題: 沈砂池之效率模擬及設計 (II)
Efficiency Simulation and Design of Settling Basin (II)
作者: 葉克家 
關鍵字:  ; 
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究分兩年進行.第一年之目標為建立二維沈淤數值模式,並予以檢定及驗證,然後進行沈砂池之沈淤效率模擬,並據以評估既有沈砂池設計方法之優劣.第二年工作為就設計之沈砂池尺寸、水理及泥砂條件,進行數值模擬,以決定沈砂池之經濟尺寸,供有關單位設計時之參考. 
This study will be executed in two years. The objective of the first year is to develop a two-dimensional settling numerical model, to calibrate and validate the proposed model, and then to simulate the deposition efficiency of the settling basins. On the basis of the simulation results, the advantages and drawbacks of the existing design methods will be evaluated. In the second year, the economic sizes of the settling basins are determined though the numerical simulations based on the conditions of assumed designed basin dimensions, flow fields, and sediment properties. The obtained results may provide as a design reference to the associated agencies. 
官方說明文件#: 91農科-1.3.3-林-R1(24) 
URI: https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=944070&docId=177561
Appears in Collections:Research Plans