DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract課程首頁   本課程是由交通大學通識教育中心提供。   How does the human mind work? This is a fascinating topic attracting intellectuals from different disciplines. Through this course, students can have a general idea of how contemporary mainstream psychologists investigate this issue. More importantly, it is expected that students can learn now to view and interpret human behaviors from an objective and logical perspective.zh_TW
dc.description.abstract課程目標/概述     How does the human mind work? This is a fascinating topic attracting intellectuals from different disciplines. Through this course, students can have a general idea of how contemporary mainstream psychologists investigate this issue. More importantly, it is expected that students can learn now to view and interpret human behaviors from an objective and logical perspective.   課程章節   單元主題 Unit 0 Course Introduction Unit 1 Basic logic Unit 2 Physiology of Behavior  Unit 3 The Biological Basis of Behavior Unit 4 Perception I Unit 5 Perception II Unit 6 Learning and Behavior Analysis Unit 7 Memory Unit 8 Intelligence Unit 9 Cognitive Processes Unit 10 Developmental Psychology Unit 11 Motivation Unit 12 Social Psychology Unit 13 Personality Unit 14 Psychological Disorders   課程用書    Gerrig, R. J. (2014). Psychology and life (20th ed.), Pearson. (雙葉書廊代理)   評分標準     項目 百分比 Assignments Students are required to read an academic paper in one of the topics assigned in the lecture, and write an essay about this topic. 30% Exams Midterm exam and final exam (35% for each) 70%zh_TW
dc.description.abstract預備知識:This course will be lectured and administered ALL in English. Students must have an adequate level of English listening, reading, and writing. Responding in English during class activities is encouraged, but not mandatory.zh_TW
dc.titleInt to Psychologyen_US
dc.typeDigital Coursesen_US
dc.contributor.departmentOpen Education Officeen_US