Title: Equations of hyperelliptic Shimura curves
Authors: Guo, Jia-Wei
Yang, Yifan
Department of Applied Mathematics
Keywords: Borcherds forms;Shimura curves
Issue Date: Jan-2017
Abstract: By constructing suitable Borcherds forms on Shimura curves and using Schofer\'s formula for norms of values of Borcherds forms at CM points, we determine all of the equations of hyperelliptic Shimura curves X-0(D) (N). As a byproduct, we also address the problem of whether a modular form on Shimura curves X-0(D) (N)/W-D,W-N with a divisor supported on CM divisors can be realized as a Borcherds form, where X-0(D) (N)/W-D,W-N denotes the quotient of X-0(D) (N) by all of the Atkin-Lehner involutions. The construction of Borcherds forms is done by solving certain integer programming problems.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1112/S0010437X16007739
ISSN: 0010-437X
DOI: 10.1112/S0010437X16007739
Volume: 153
Issue: 1
Begin Page: 1
End Page: 40
Appears in Collections:Articles