Title: Absolute stability and synchronization in neural field models with transmission delays
Authors: Kao, Chiu-Yen
Shih, Chih-Wen
Wu, Chang-Hong
Department of Applied Mathematics
Keywords: Absolute stability;Synchronization;Neural field models;Delay equations
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2016
Abstract: Neural fields model macroscopic parts of the cortex which involve several populations of neurons. We consider a class of neural field models which are represented by integro-differential equations with transmission time delays which are space-dependent. The considered domains underlying the systems can be bounded or unbounded. A new approach, called sequential contracting, instead of the conventional Lyapunov functional technique, is employed to investigate the global dynamics of such systems. Sufficient conditions for the absolute stability and synchronization of the systems are established. Several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the theoretical results. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physd.2016.04.014
ISSN: 0167-2789
DOI: 10.1016/j.physd.2016.04.014
Volume: 328
Begin Page: 21
End Page: 33
Appears in Collections:Articles