標題: Analysis of local bond-orientational order for liquid gallium at ambient pressure: Two types of cluster structures
作者: Chen, Lin-Yuan
Tang, Ping-Han
Wu, Ten-Ming
Institute of Physics
公開日期: 14-Jul-2016
摘要: In terms of the local bond-orientational order ( LBOO) parameters, a cluster approach to analyze local structures of simple liquids was developed. In this approach, a cluster is defined as a combination of neighboring seeds having at least n(b) local-orientational bonds and their nearest neighbors, and a cluster ensemble is a collection of clusters with a specified n(b) and number of seeds n(s). This cluster analysis was applied to investigate the microscopic structures of liquid Ga at ambient pressure ( AP). The liquid structures studied were generated through ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. By scrutinizing the static structure factors ( SSFs) of cluster ensembles with different combinations of n(b) and n(s), we found that liquid Ga at AP contained two types of cluster structures, one characterized by sixfold orientational symmetry and the other showing fourfold orientational symmetry. The SSFs of cluster structures with sixfold orientational symmetry were akin to the SSF of a hard-sphere fluid. On the contrary, the SSFs of cluster structures showing fourfold orientational symmetry behaved similarly as the anomalous SSF of liquid Ga at AP, which is well known for exhibiting a high-q shoulder. The local structures of a highly LBOO cluster whose SSF displayed a high-q shoulder were found to be more similar to the structure of beta-Ga than those of other solid phases of Ga. More generally, the cluster structures showing fourfold orientational symmetry have an inclination to resemble more to beta-Ga. Published by AIP Publishing.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4955305
ISSN: 0021-9606
DOI: 10.1063/1.4955305
Volume: 145
Issue: 2
Appears in Collections:Articles