Title: An Energy-Efficient Scheme for WiFi-capable M2M Devices in Hybrid LTE Network
Authors: Singh, Shubhranshu
Huang, Kuei-Li
Lin, Bao-Shuh Paul
Department of Computer Science
Keywords: LTE;Machine to Machine (M2M);Power Saving
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Machine to Machine (M2M) communication has gained much interest in the recent past, both within academia and across different industries. Power saving has become a priority issue recently due to accelerated growth of mobile devices with more and more processor power, more storage capacity, better display technology and much richer-applications. It assumes even greater significance when it comes to M2M devices since unlike hand-held mobile devices which has possibility to get re-charged after certain period of time, many of the M2M devices overall life is almost equal to its one-time charged battery life. This paper proposes an energy-efficient solution for M2M devices to minimize overall energy consumption. Simulation results based on OPNET simulator show that the proposed method significantly improves power saving, especially in time-tolerant M2M applications with long periodic report cycles.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/134775
ISBN: 978-1-4673-5132-4
Journal: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems (ANTS)
Begin Page: 126
End Page: 130
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper