Title: 社交媒體時代社會性的未來:按Sherry Turkle的自我概念進行的考察
The Future of Sociality in the Age of Social Media: A Consideration according Sherry Turkle's Concept of Self
Authors: 毛榮富
Rong-Fu Mao
Keywords: 受牽絆的自我;社會性;社交媒體;Sherry Turkle;Bernard Stiegler;tethered self;sociality;social media
Issue Date: Jan-2017
Publisher: 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系和台灣資訊社會研究學會
National Chiao Tung University. Taiwan Academy for Information Society.
Abstract: 本文藉Sherry Turkle橫跨三十年的三部著作探討自我形象的嬗變,並考察社交媒體時代社會性的可能性。從個人電腦到當前的社交媒體,自我的形象歷經思維投射、身分認同和情緒牽絆三階段變化。藉由社會和經濟制度對技術挪用的納入考察,本文擴充了Turkle探究的人—機關係的社會心理維度,從技術發展與資本主義結合的整體條件來考察自我形象的變化。在資本主義邏輯支配下,社交媒體中的「人際關係」成為商品,破壞了原初的社會性維度,流為受機器自動連接的社交關係。最後,本文借用Bernard Stiegler的觀點,思考如何社交媒體的技術環境中重建社會性。本文指出兩個方向:其一,在社交媒體環境中重建真摯的人際關係;其二,扭轉社交媒體當前的資本主義邏輯,建立一種貢獻的經濟。
The aim of this article is to explore the transformation of self according to the evolution of relationship of man-computational machines. Based on Sherry Turkle's concept of evocative object, this article argues that, as an evocative object, computational machines have evoked three images of self from the age of personal computer to the age of emotional robots and social media. These three images are the "second self" , the "multiple virtual selves", and the "tethered self". This paper also argues that, in the age of emotional robots and social media, the capitalist appropriation of social media has disparaged the authentic sociality to an purely social relationship automatically connected by social media. This paper suggests two ways for a reconstruction of authentic sociality according to Bernard Stiegler's theory of pharmacology: the one is to reconstruct an authentic sociality within dissociated social media, the other is to reverse the commodity logic of capitalism to an economy of contribution.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/136902
ISSN: 1680-8428
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Issue: 32
Begin Page: 51
End Page: 82
Appears in Collections:資訊社會研究


  1. 1680-8428-170103.pdf

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