標題: 砂拉越客家研究
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Hakka Studies in Sarawak
作者: 徐雨村
Yu-tsuen Hsu
關鍵字: 砂拉越;客家;通婚;公務員;河婆話;國族認同;Sarawak;Hakka;Inter-racial Marriage;Civil Servant;Hopo Accent;National Identity
公開日期: 五月-2016
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
摘要: 馬來西亞的砂拉越州位於婆羅洲島北部,約有16萬餘名客家人。包括在19世紀初從西加里曼丹,以及在20世紀前半葉由中國直接遷入者。本專輯收錄四篇論文,主題分別為新堯灣客籍華人與達雅族的異族通婚、擔任英國殖民時期公務員的新安客家人傳記、古晉石角區甲港河婆客語音韻及詞彙、1960至1970年代古晉17哩地下武裝反抗者的國族想像及頓挫等。
Located in the north part of Borneo, Sarawak is now home for more than 160,000 Hakka people. Their pioneers migrated to Sarawak either from West Kalimantan in the 19th Century or directly from China from the late 19th Century to the early 20th Century. We invite four essays on the topics of Hakka in Sarawak in this special issue, including that on Inter-racial marriages between Hakka and Dayak in Siniawan, bibliography of a Sin Onn Hakka civil servant in Sarawak, phonological and lexical studies on Hopo Hakka in Sungai Tapang, as well as the Chinese national identity and its setback of Communist guerrilla in the 17th Mile Kuching in the 1960s and 1970s.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=43&CA_ID=452
ISSN: 2310-8436
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 6
起始頁: 33
結束頁: 43


  1. 2310-8436-160501.pdf

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