Title: 評藍建春、彭瑞金:《新竹縣客家文史學家口述歷史專書》
Book Review: The Oral Histories of Hakka Literary Historians in Hsinchu County (by Chien-ch'un Lan and Rui-jing Peng)
Authors: 田靖
Ching Tien and Mei-ling Chien
Keywords: 客家;新竹;生命史;口述史;Hakka;Hsinchu;Life History;Oral history
Issue Date: Nov-2016
Publisher: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
Abstract: 本文評論新竹縣文化局出版的《新竹縣客家文史學家口述歷史專書》。本系列叢書分別紀錄三位台灣重要的客家文史學者:杜潘芳格、楊鏡汀與黃榮洛的生活經驗。從他們的創作與研究歷程、客家信仰到歷史事件的重述,試圖翻轉既有的客家歷史敘述。書寫主軸緊扣客家認同,並透過生活片段的連結,平實地刻畫「客家身分」,並與新竹當地的歷史與生活經驗連結,表述客家人的在地性格,開展出臺灣史書寫的另一面項。
This article reviews The Oral Histories of Hakka Literary Historians in Hsinchu County. The book series respectively describe the life experiences of Hakka literary historians Fang-Ge Dupan, Rong-Luo Huang and Jing-Ting Yang. From their experiences of writing or studying, restatement of Hakka belief system and historical events, the book series aim to refine the existing Hakka historical narratives. The main theme of these books is Hakka identity, which is described by local histories and life experiences in Hsinchu. Therefore, the alternative session of Taiwan History will appear through describing the local Hakka people.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=44&CA_ID=475
ISSN: 2310-8436
Journal: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 7
Begin Page: 323
End Page: 331
Appears in Collections:全球客家研究


  1. 2310-8436-161103.pdf

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