標題: 台北市超級市場消費購買行為之實證研究報告
Shopping Behavior at Supermarket in Taipei City:An Empirical Study
作者: 陳光華
Quang-Hua Chen
公開日期: 十二月-1976
摘要: An empirical approach based on personality test of consumer's driving needs and response traits predicts Taipei housewifes' reaction in buying process at supermarkets. Some comprehensive views present hereby to help the marketer to design of proper marketing strategy in supermarket operation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/137563
期刊: 交通大學學報
The Journal of National Chiao Tung University
Volume: 2
起始頁: 95
結束頁: =O38-1


  1. HT001308-08.pdf

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