標題: 運算子與向量測度之拓延
Extensions of Operators and Vector Measures
作者: 郭滄海
Tsang-Hai Kuo
公開日期: 十二月-1976
摘要: Let X be an L∞-space.Then every weakly compact operator on X has a weakly compact extension to any Banach space containing X.As an application, every strongly additive map on a σ-algebra ∑ has a strongly additive extension to any σ-algebra containing ∑.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/137567
期刊: 交通大學學報
The Journal of National Chiao Tung University
Volume: 2
起始頁: 131
結束頁: =O41-1


  1. HT001308-11.pdf

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