標題: 低靈敏度電子式 比例—積分—微分 控制器之新設計
A New Design of Noninteracting PID Electronic Controller with Low Sensitivity
作者: 鄧清政
公開日期: 四月-1976
出版社: 交大學刊編輯委員會
摘要: A new simple active RC circuit is given for synthesizing an ideal PID electronic controller. In the new design, the controller is of low sensitivity and noninteracting. An experimental ezample is given to illustrate the simple design procedure.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/137621
期刊: 交通大學學報
The Journal of National Chiao Tung University
Volume: 1
起始頁: 123
結束頁: 132


  1. HT001307-08.pdf

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