標題: 1.2V sub-nanoampere A/D converter
作者: Rachmuth, G
Yang, YS
Poon, CS
Department of Biological Science and Technology
公開日期: 14-Apr-2005
摘要: CMOS-based integrated biochemical sensors generate photo currents at sub-nanoampere (nA) levels, which present a challenge for digital data acquisition. Proposed is a MOS current-mode analogue-to-digital converter with sub-nA sensitivity. Its inherent low-voltage low-power and small-size capabilities are ideal for portable chemi- or biosensor applications.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/el:20058259
ISSN: 0013-5194
DOI: 10.1049/el:20058259
Volume: 41
Issue: 8
起始頁: 455
結束頁: 456
Appears in Collections:Articles

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