Title: 評張維安等:《東瀛客蹤:日本客家研究初探》
Book Review: Preliminary Studies of Japanese Hakka (by Wei-an Chang et al.)
Authors: 范智盈
Chih Ying Fan
Keywords: 日本客家;客家研究;海外客家;客家社團;Japanese Hakka;Hakka Studies;Hakka Overseas;Hakka Association
Issue Date: Nov-2017
Publisher: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
Abstract: 本文主要針對客家文化發展中心出版的《東瀛客蹤:日本客家研究初探》進行評論,該書為張維安所主持對於在日本生活的客家族群研究計畫成果。全書共八章,聚焦於日本客家人的歷史、文化、政治、經濟等主題探討,首先將日本過去客家族群相關文獻及出版品進行彙編及考察,試圖從書籍中理解日本對於客家的認識以及勾勒在日客家人的相關歷史,接著進一步對日本客家移民與人口、職業特性、社群組織與公共參與等主題進行分析並與東南亞客家研究相比較,最後總結論述日本客家族群的特質,並提出對於日本客家的整體看法。本書除了為後續日本客家研究提共了基礎資料的鋪陳外,更借鏡日本客家反思海外客家族群、客家團體發展與存續。
This article reviews the book “Preliminary Studies of Japanese Hakka” written by Wei-an Chang et al. The book is a compilation of existing records describing the life of the Hakka ethnic group in Japan. It focuses on their history, culture, politics, and economic influence. In the first parts of the book, it gives an overview of Hakka and summary of previous Hakka studies in Japan. Then, it analyzes and makes a comparison of the Japanese Hakka population, industrial and economic characteristics, community organization and public participation with Hakka groups in Southeast Asia. In the final part, the book discusses and provides a complete view of Japanese Hakka composition features. This book serves as an invaluable resource of information for future studies of Japanese Hakka., and it is also living testament to the survival of Hakka overseas.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=46&CA_ID=495
ISSN: 2310-8436
Journal: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 9
Begin Page: 279
End Page: 288
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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