標題: 設計一套具記帳與電子發票功能的行動APP之研究-以MIT App Inventor 2為開發工具
A Study of Using MIT App Inventor 2 on Android Mobile Device-Design an App With Accounting Function Combining Electronic Receipt
作者: 陳建良
Chen, Chien-Liang
Lee, Jong-Eao
Tsai, Jia-Lun
關鍵字: 電子發票;QR Code;記帳本;App Inventor 2;雲端;發票防偽;Electronic Receipt;QR Code;Accounting book;APP Inventor 2;Cloud;Anti-fake Receipt
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近年來台灣物價不斷飆漲,薪資水平始終遠低於先進國家,甚至因為最近企業獲利過低,導致無薪假、裁員的情況不斷的發生,所以一般大眾在日常生活中各種花費變得斤斤計較,為了如何開源節流,記帳管理似乎是人們生活中不可或缺的唯一方法。此外,我們目前消費大都會產生統一發票,其類型包括(傳統發票、電子發票),這些發票可以拿來對獎,對於日常生活開銷不無小補。 現今是人手一機的世代,根據資策會調查臺灣民眾持有智慧型手機的比例增加至7成,因此,本研究著重在如何利用行動裝置隨時隨地進行有效的記帳管理、消費發票明細查詢、電子發票辨識真偽、舊式發票雲端指定資料分享。本研究是使用MIT App Inventor 2 在Android 系統設計開發,其設計包含使用Android smart phone、QR Code、JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)語言、App Inventor 2程式、UUID讀取程式、Google雲端平台,為了達到論文需求,甚至向財政部資訊中心以學術研究名義申請權限,以利用QR Code讀取查詢電子發票消費明細、辨識發票真偽。
The prices of commodities in Taiwan has been increasing recently, but our average salary is far more below than other advanced countries. Because the enterprise’s profit is low, the situation like unpaid leave or layoff constantly happens. Therefore, the public are cautious about every penny they spend. In order to tap new resources and reduce expenses, accounting management seems to be the only solution. After all, we will receive receipts (traditional or electronic receipt) after purchasing something. Those receipts can be used to check the winning number. People can make up some daily expense. Nowadays, the generation that everyone has mobile phone is coming. According to Institute for Information Industry convey, the rate that Taiwanese people own smart phone has increased 70%. Therefore, this research focuses on how to use mobile devices to do accounting management, check the details for a receipt, identity true or false for a receipt, share old receipt on the Cloud. This research will use MIT APP Inventor 2 on Android system. The design includes Android smart phone, QR Code, JSON language, App Inventor2 program, UUID ID program and Google cloud platform. In order to achieve the demands of the thesis, I also apply for the right of using QR Code to study the details of an electronic receipt and identify the true or false of a receipt to Ministry of Finance.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352805
Appears in Collections:Thesis