標題: 桃園市公立幼兒園教師與家長運用社群網絡進行親師溝通之探討
A Research about the Taoyuan City public Preschool Teachers and Parents Using Social network for Parent-Teacher Communication
作者: 李家慧
Li, Jia-hui
Li, Rong-yao
Yu, Qi-zhe
關鍵字: 幼兒園;親師溝通;社群;Facebook;Line;Preschool;Parent-teacher communication;Community;Facebook;Line
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本研究是探討桃園市公立幼兒園教師與家長使用社群網絡進行親師溝通的現況。研究對象為桃園市公立幼兒園教師及部分家長,並針對較常使用的Facebook和Line做為社群網絡的代表。 研究者先蒐集並閱讀親師溝通、社群網絡(Facebook、Line)等相關文獻資料,進而編寫兩份問卷,問卷發放對象分別為桃園市公立幼兒園教師及部分家長,旨在瞭解目前桃園市公立幼兒園教師及家長使用社群網絡進行親師溝通的人數比例、優點及遭遇的困境、使用滿意度……等。 研究結果發現教師與家長的不同背景變項(學校所在區域、年齡、自我評估使用載具的能力)對於使用社群網絡進行親師溝通的滿意度上皆無顯著差異。教師與家長在使用社群網絡進行親師溝通的滿意度上皆偏向正向肯定。 此研究希望能讓對此議題有興趣者供作參考,研究也統計出教師與家長未使用社群網絡進行親師溝通的考量因素,可作為後續相關主題研究者繼續探討的部分。
This study was to investigate the condition of the Taoyuan City public preschool teachers and parents using social networks for parent-teacher communication.The object of study for the Taoyuan Public Preschool teachers and some parents, and aims at Facebook and Line which often uses does for social group network epresentative. The reasearcher at first collected and readed references about parent-teacher communication, social networks(Facebook, Line). Then compiles two questionnaires for the Taoyuan Public Preschool teachers and some parents to realize the population proportion, advantages and disadvantages, use satisfaction who using social networks for parent-teacher communication. The data analysis shows that there are no significant differences in results found between teachers and parents of different background variables for the use of social networks were parents and teachers to communicate satisfaction.Teachers and parents using social networks for parent-teacher communicate satisfaction are biased positive affirmation. This study is to allow those who are interested in this topic for reference. The study also statistics the reasons for teachers and parents do not use social networks to communicate. It allows other researchers continue to explore.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352808