Title: 影響組織吸引力因素之分析
An Analysis of Factors Affecting Organizational Attractiveness
Authors: 林伶娟
Huang, Shih-Ping
Keywords: 組織吸引力;企業社會責任;Organizational Attractiveness;Corporate Social Responsibility
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 擁有組織吸引力對於招募員工是相當重要的,過去許多學者致力於研究影響組織吸引力之因素,至今已證實有許多的影響因子,因影響組織吸引力之因素眾多,本研究透過文獻整理所有因子,將已證實之影響因子分類並繪出影響組織吸引力因子關係圖。再以一實際組織做為本研究之個案,蒐集個案所做的組織吸引力相關活動,歸類在不同因子之中,並且計算其數量。將文獻中之研究結果做為預測個案在不同因子上所花費之心力。最後,比較文獻中之結果與實際個案之相同與相異之處,做出結論。
本研究使用從個案研究中建立理論(Building Theory from Case Study)研究方法,針對欲研究之主題組織吸引力蒐集相關文獻,並選擇台灣積體電路為本研究之個案,透過其網站之公司年報搜尋關鍵字,將其所做過之事項計數並列出。
Having organization attractiveness is important to recruit employees, many scholars have dedicated to study factors affect it. In this research, first, the author try to classify factors that affect organization attractiveness and draw an attraction factor diagram. Second, classify and calculate the activities an organization has done. Third, compare the result with the past studies and discuss the similarities and differences in between.
This research adopts Building Theory from Case Study method. Gathering and reviewing organization attractiveness literature and selecting Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) to do the case study.
The results of this study has two findings. First, result for employee relations is the same in both literature and the TSMC case. Second, diversity issues is different in literature and the TSMC case. The author concluded that the reason may relate to cultural factors and suggested the following researchers should take this factor into account.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353515
Appears in Collections:Thesis