標題: 電子-離子動量影像系統用在雷射與同步輻射光分解-光游離的分子動態學
An electron-ion coincidence momentum imaging machine for photodissociation-photoionization dynamics of molecules under laser and synchrotron radiation
作者: 趙吉揚
Chao, Chi-Yang
Tseng, Chien-Ming
關鍵字: 速度映像;可變電壓分壓器;訊號收集系統;Velocity Mapping Imaging;Voltage Divider;Data Acquisition System;Jet Dump System;Hex Delay Line Detector
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 在本篇論文的實驗儀器的架設中,最重要的功能為此儀器的設計必須配合二種不同波長範圍之光源:一為實驗室雷射產生之VUV光源,二為國家同步輻射中心產生之同步輻射光源,因應於此,作者與指導教授設計了可變電壓分壓器與可移動式偵測器系統,藉由改變電極板的電壓大小以及偵測器之位置,以收集不同能量範圍的電子與離子碎片。 此外,本論文亦針對Jet Dump系統做結構上的改善,使本實驗的真空系統的真空度相較於未使用Jet Dump系統相比更為優化。而在偵測器的選配中,我們使用了Hex-DLD用以解決死區時間對於訊號偵測的問題。此外,我們也設計了兩種訊號收集系統中邏輯電路的控制,除了要能配合實驗室雷射時序上的使用之外,此訊號收集系統必須要能在改變偵測器觸發的方法以便在高重複頻率的同步輻射光源下使用。
In order to use two light source with different wavelength and energy range: soft X-ray from synchrotron light source and vacuum ultraviolet laser. We designed the tunable voltage divider and movable detector to fit two light source in different wavelength and energy range. First, we modified the structure of the Jet Dump system. With this changes, we can enhance the performance of vacuum system. In addition, we make a discussion with the data acquisition system. We can overcome the dead time problem of detection with Hex-DLD. And we also change the signal logic unit to match the trigger timing both of the laser system and synchrotron radiation which is running under the multi-bunch mode. Then build the relationship between laser, electron and ion in time domain.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070252501
Appears in Collections:Thesis