標題: 從服務品質探討行動商務對服務業之影響
The Impact of M-Commerce on Service Industry from Service Quality Viewpoint
作者: 郭姿欣
Kuo, Tzu-Hsin
Tang, Ying-Chan
關鍵字: 行動商務;服務品質;服務品質缺口模型;M-commerce;Service Quality;Service Gap;gap model
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 二十一世紀起,因無線網路的發展,產生的新商業模式─行動商務(mobile commerce, m-commerce),對傳統產業造成衝擊和影響,也改變了消費者對服務的要求。 服務品質缺口模式模式是探討管理者、服務人員、消費者三方之間,對服務自產生,經傳遞提供的流程中,所發生之感受差距缺口(service gap)。當消費者對服務之要求改變,加上新科技所帶來的衝擊,本研究希望在對服務業及服務品質相關的理論基礎上,探討在行動商務的影響下,過去的理論是否有所變化。主要由企業管理者、服務人員、消費者三方之間,對服務自產生,經傳遞提供的流程中的感受差距缺口(service gap),結合新興的行動商務,重新檢視服務業提供服務的流程,為企業在面對行動商務下消費者行為的改變,能有所依據與借鑑,從而因應並增強自身之競爭力。
Since 21st century, the new-emerging mobile commerce together with the wireless internet had made impact on the traditional industry. Gap model of service quality offers an integrated view of the consumer-company relationship for service providers, personnel, and consumer. The model express the flow from the service begins to the end, there will have cognitive gaps occurs and form “service gap”. The consumers’ behavior and request changed due to the impact of new technology. This study is based on the related study of service quality, to investigate if the traditional service quality gap model still adaptable under m-commerce environment. The purpose of this study is to provide the service industry a way to review its current procedure, and to be more competitive accordingly.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363723
Appears in Collections:Thesis