Title: | 我國休閒渡假中心服務品質之實證研究 An Empirical Study on Service Quality of Resort Centers in Taiwan |
Authors: | 廖文伶 Wen- Lin Liao 丁 承 陳光華 Cherng G. Ding Kuang-Hwa Chen 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 休閒渡假中心;服務品質;服務品質差距模式;SERVQUAL量表;SERVPERF量表;resort center;service quality;service quality gap model;SERVQUAL measurement;SERVPERF measurement |
Issue Date: | 1998 |
Abstract: | 摘 要 隨著社會潮流的發展,休閒渡假中心無疑將成為明日之星產業,然而隨之而來的除了業界間激烈的競爭外,更要面對品味日益提高的消費者,因此服務品質成為販售服務的休閒渡假中心最重要的課題。本研究就業者及消費者雙方面,探討二者對於服務品質認知上的差距,並比較SERVQUAL(消費者期望與實際知覺間的差距)及SERVPERF(消費者實際知覺)兩種服務品質的衡量方式,找出較適合國內休閒渡假中心的服務品質衡量方式,作為業者提昇服務品質及後續研究者的參考。 本研究經國內外文獻探討後,根據Parasuraman等在1985年所提出的服務品質差距模式建立研究架構,並參照其SERVQUAL量表,針對國內休閒渡假中心的顧客及從業人員,利用問卷調查的方式進行研究,並進行假說的檢定。 研究結果顯示:「顧客對休閒渡假中心服務的期望」及「從業人員對顧客期望的認知」都顯著高於「顧客對休閒渡假中心服務的實際知覺」,其中與「同儕」一同消費的顧客,對於休閒渡假中心服務的實際知覺高於期望,其餘則是實際知覺低於期望。此外,無論是「顧客對休閒渡假中心服務期望與實際知覺間的差距」或是「顧客對休閒渡假中心服務的實際知覺」,兩者與「顧客滿意度」間均呈現顯著的正向關係。最後,兩種服務品質工具以SERVQUAL具有較佳的區別效度,而SERVPERF則具有較佳的解釋能力及收斂效度,兩種衡量方式各有長短,但整體而言,仍以SERVPERF來衡量服務品質較佳。 由本研究得知,休閒渡假中心業者若要縮小顧客期望與實際知覺間的服務品質差距,提昇消費者的滿意度,除了應改善與消費者的溝通以建立正確的消費者期望外,亦應從服務品質規範的訂定及服務的傳送等方面著手,以提高消費者對於服務品質的實際知覺。 ABSTRACT It goes without saying that the resort center industry will be more and more prosperous in the future. And service quality is the critical success factor for the industry. The purpose of this research is to explore two gaps of the service quality. One is the gap between consumer expectations and consumer perceptions, the other is the gap between consumer expectations and management perceptions of consumer expectations. In addition, the research also compares two service measurement-SERVQUAL and SERVPERF for the service quality. The research framework is based on the service quality gap model and SERVQUAL measurement which are developed by Parasuraman and ect. And questionnaires were used to collect needed data from consumers and practitioners of resort centers in Taiwan. The research has reached some findings as follows.(1)Both expected service-perceived service gap and consumer expectation-management perception gap do exit.(2)Both expected service-perceived service gap and consumer perceptions have significant and positive relationship with consumer satisfaction. (3)As to the service quality measurement, SERVPERF is better than SERVQUAL generally. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64622 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |