Title: 家族企業接班計劃及接班後績效個案分析
The Succession Planning and Performance after succession in Family Business
Authors: 陳冠甫
Chen, Kuan-Fu
Chung, Hui Min
Keywords: 家族企業;家族企業傳承;接班人計劃;七階段接班過程;角色調整模型;事件研究法;Family Business;Family Business Succession;Succession planning;Seven stages of this succession process;Role adjustment process;Event study
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 家族企業是一個特殊但視為重要的企業型態,對台灣來說視為經濟主力。但是根據資料顯示出全球家族企業有70%無法傳到第二代,有90%無法傳到第三代,經營管理每況愈下。台灣方面只有5%具備具體的接班流程,形成「富不過三代」的局面。 本研究利用個案分析法分析成功接班的兩個家族企業,來探討其接班流程、培訓方式、董監事變化以及接班後面臨的機會與挑戰。再利用Longenecker、Schoen所提出的七階段接班模型來驗證個案接班流程,並且利用Handler角色調整模型來看現任者和繼任者的角色變化。最後利用事件研究法來探討接班宣告對股價是否有反應以及探討與同業的財務績效比較。結論得出盡早完成接班布局並且執行完整的接班計畫對企業接班來說是最重要的。
Family Business is a very special and important enterprise that a main economic power to Taiwan. Accourding to some imformation, there are 70% not to succeed to the second generation successfully and 90% not to succeed to the third generation successfully. It causes their business managememt not better than before and generate “from clogs to clogs is only three generations” situation. Our study does case study to analyze two successful family businesses that research their succession process, training, board changing and challenage after succession. And use Longenecker, Schoen’s seven stages of this succession process and Handler role adjustment process to examine their succession process and change between predecessor and next-generation member. Finally, we use event study method to examine if the event let their stock value have some reaction and compare financial performance with industry. Our results that finish succession arrangement early and implement integral succession planning is very important to family business succession.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353718
Appears in Collections:Thesis