標題: 供應商關係管理與競爭優勢-以M公司為例
Supplier Relationship Management and Competitive Advantage-A Case Study of M Company
作者: 吳明哲
Wu, Ming-Zhe
關鍵字: 供應商關係管理;紡織產業;Supplier Relationship Management;Textile Industry
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 全球機能性運動服飾市場存在強烈需求,財團法人中華民國紡織業拓展會於紡織月刊提及,機能運動服飾市場正處於高速成長階段。紡織研究所研究發現,機能性、戶外及都會及休閒服飾之全球市場規模與成長率逐年提高。預估2019年,在機能性運動服飾及都會及休閒服飾仍將成為主要市場。 國際運動服飾品牌 Adidas、Under Armour、Nike、 Lululemon主要的上游供應商為儒鴻及聚陽等多家國內大型成衣製造商。對於國內製造商而言,在接收客戶大型訂單之後,首先要解決的問題便是原料的供應穩定程度。由於成衣製造流程中,原料佔成本比重平均超過六成,因此對廠商的獲利能力有顯著的影響。 當企業與上游供應商具有良好的合作關係時,在成本控制與資源利用上,都能產生正面助益,不僅如此,當彼此形成緊密的合作關係之後,甚至能夠共同開發新的市場機會,創造市場價值,達成雙贏局面。 因此,本研究採行供應商關係管理觀點,以個案分析的方式,分別瞭解產業內的發展現況,以及個案公司的供應商關係管理情形與經營現況,並結合相關的理論內容,試圖找出適合個案公司的供應商關係管理作法,以提供為決策時的參考依據。
The sportswear market has been an increasingly important part for developing textile industry. Taiwan Textile Federation says this market is growing at high rates, in 2019, and it is expected to see considerable growth over the next five years. Most global sports brands rely on independent third-party suppliers. They look for strong R&D, consistent manufacturing quality, operating efficiency, good workforce relations and punctual delivery. The Taiwan companies have strong relationships with leading sports brands. Direct material costs account for half or more of the cost of goods sold in the textile industry. It is important to control material costs for profitability. SRM is to create value and make a more effective supply chain, leading in lower risk and costs. This paper is to find out possible strategies for M company when designing an effective supplier relationship management program.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353516