標題: 公共自行車使用者特性及事故風險感知分析 - 以台北市YouBike為例
Analysis of public bicycle users’ characteristic and risk perception – A case study of Taipei YouBike
作者: 郭旻樺
關鍵字: 風險感知;公共自行車;安全感知;使用者特性;risk perception;user characteristic;multiple regression analysis
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 隨著21世紀之邁入,全球對於環境保育之議題也越趨重視,世界各國亦將永續發展列為重要之發展目標,其中對於公共自行車之推廣也成為一時代潮流之趨勢。本研究調查台北市公共自行車之使用者特性,並研究其與使用者事故風險感知之間的關係。本研究使用問卷調查法,得到公共自行車使用者之特性以及事故風險感知值,並以多元迴歸模型進行分析,研究結果發現,在假日使用自行車時間較長、近一年內曾發生自行車相關事故、以及自行車之騎乘態度較為謹慎者其事故風險感知值會較高;本研究亦推論出自行車使用者在假日會以較慢之速度騎乘自行車,從旅次目的中得到大多數之使用者將公共自行車做為最後一哩銜接之運具。本研究將使用者特性與自行車之騎乘態度進行迴歸分析後發現,台北居民、機車使用頻率越低、認為自己熟悉自行車相關法規者、以及願意遵守自行車相關法規者之騎乘態度越趨於小心謹慎;在機車與自行車之安全比較上,大部分的使用者認為自行車是相較於機車安全之運具;且拓寬自行車道、建設自行車道、以及路上之汽機車變少會讓他們使用自行車變得更為安全,而此三項屬於與自行車使用空間上較為相關之改變,由此也可看出目前自行車使用者最為需要的為屬於自行車專屬之路權。
With the coming of 21 century, the world has put much more emphasis on the environmentalism. Government all over the world also list sustainable development into the essential development goal. Among them, the promotion of public bicycle transportation has become the tendency of the day. By questionnaire survey, this study analyzes the relationship between public bicycle’s user characteristic and risk perception with the method of multiple regression. The result shows that those who spend more time cycling on the weekend, having a bicycle related accident within a year, and those being more careful on cycling attitude appear to have a higher perception of risk. From the analysis of user characteristic, this study reveals that cyclist riding in a slower speed at weekend. Trip purpose shows that most users are taking public bicycles as a transport connecting last mile. The multiple regression between user characteristic and cycling attitude shows that inhabitants of Taipei, the lower motorcycle using frequency, those familiar with bicycle related laws, and those willing to follow bicycle related laws tend to be more careful when cycling. Most cyclists believe that bicycle is a safer transport than motorcycle. And most of them believe widening cycle path, building cycle path, and fewer traffic on the road will make them feel safer when using bicycles.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253607
Appears in Collections:Thesis