標題: 台灣網購消費者對拍賣網站的信任及知覺風險影響其購買意願程度-以淘寶網為例
Taiwanese Consumers’ Online Trust, Perceived Risk, and the Relationship to Purchase Intention -An Example of Taobao
作者: 程亭瑜
Cheng, Ting-Yu
關鍵字: 科技接受模式;淘寶網;網購信任度;知覺風險;購買意願;TAM;Taobao;constumer’s trust;perceived risk;purchase intention
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近年來電子商務的發展日益迅速,網際網路的應用提供消費者更簡便的購物方式,因此,越來越多的消費者透過電子商務平台購買日常所需用品。然而,網路購物雖方便,但只能夠透過賣家提供的商品圖片及商品敘述來判斷其是否為需要的商品,且加上現今越來越多的詐騙案件層出不窮,因此,網路購物對於消費者而言,仍存在其風險性,要如何增進消費者的信任成為電子商務業者的一大重要課題。現今越來越多台灣網購消費者會透過淘寶網購物,因淘寶網的賣家多提供較優惠的價格,或是較多樣的商品,因此吸引越來越多台灣消費者消費。淘寶網採用評價制度來評分買賣雙方,藉由評價系統來增進買賣雙方的信任感。因此,本研究旨在探討台灣網購消費者對淘寶網的信任及知覺風險,是否進而影響其購買意願程度。 本研究主要台灣網購消費者對淘寶網的知覺有用性、知覺易用性、評價系統、信任、知覺風險及其對於購買意願的影響。本研究利用網路問卷的方式,針對台灣網購消費者進行問卷調查,共回收481份問卷,其中408份為使用過淘寶網的有效問卷,採用線性迴歸的方式驗證本研究提出之假設。研究結果證實,台灣網購消費者對淘寶網的知覺有用性、知覺易用性與評價系統確實顯著地影響消費者對賣家的信任,消費者的信任度越高,進而增加消費者的購買意願。
With the development of technology, online purchase has become an important purchasing method for people. More and more consumers tend to sell or purchase their living goods through internet. Among all the C2C E-commerce platforms, Taobao contributes a large amount of the gross merchandise volume to the industry. More and more Taiwanese consumers shop on Taobao due to a better price. However, consumers for online shopping rely on pictures and description for the products, they need to trust websites or sellers first in order to continue to purchase goods. During the purchasing process, consumers may perceive risks due to the limited access to the products. Therefore, consumer’s purchase intention is affected by the perceived risk. This study aims to discussing the factors that influence purchase intention. This study discussed how Taiwanese customer’s perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust fraud on Taobao, customer’s trust and perceived risk affected their purchase intention. The study collected 471 questionnaires, 408 of them are valid. It applied linear regression to analyze data. The results of the study supported that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and trust fraud on Taobao are significantly affect customer’s trust, and thus affects purchase intention. Moreover, a higher customer’s trust decreases perceived risk, and thus increases purchase intention.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353004