標題: 以TAM模型探討日貨連線購物賣家形象與信任對消費者購買意願的影響
Exploring the effect of Japanese goods online sellers’ image and trust on consumer purchase intention with the technology acceptance model
作者: 陳宛鈴
關鍵字: 日貨連線;知覺有用性;知覺易用性;信任;賣家形象;購買意願;科技接受模型;Japanese goods on-line;Perceived usefulness;Perceived ease of use;Trust;Seller’s images;Purchase intention;Technology Acceptance Model
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 台灣線上購物市場規模逐漸跨大,其中衣著服飾為消費者網上購物的主要商品,因此,各式各樣的網路拍賣服飾賣家興起。但是現今台灣多數當紅的網路服飾商店,稱之為台貨賣家,追加期長,產品品質常不如預期,許多消費者紛紛轉向高品質、追加期固定的日貨連線,於是,近幾年日貨的商機逐漸興起。 所謂的日貨連線是指賣家前往日本當地採購,在日本採購的同時透過網路與拍賣平台,即時將剛採購到的最新商品資訊與在台灣或世界各地的網友進行同步連線,日貨連線和一般台貨的購物程序並不相同。日貨購物的程序相當複雜,因此,本研究希望透過科技接受模型(TAM)來探討參與日貨連線消費者對於日貨連線線上購物流程的接受程度,期望藉由TAM模型了解日貨連線消費者在線上購物流程中的「知覺易用性」、「知覺有用性」對於購買意願的影響。本研究即以日貨連線為研究範圍,探討科技接受模型是否可以用於解釋現有消費者的購買意願,並以賣家形象及信任為外部變數,研究此二變數與曾經參與日貨連線消費者的知覺有用性、知覺易用性、購買意願之間的關聯及影響力。 本研究結果發現信任與知覺有用性兩者均會影響使用日貨連線的購買意願;信任與知覺易用性兩者均會影響知覺有用性;知覺易用性會影響信任;知覺易用性會受賣家形象的影響;而知覺易用性對購買意願以及賣家形象對知覺有用性的影響不顯著。
Vendors that sell Japanese goods to Taiwanese citizens make good use of high speed Internet in their business. That is, as soon as an seller purchases an item in Japan, her immediately uploads the product information to her online store to allow for not only Taiwanese customers, but customers around the world to buy the product at her own convenience. Put simply, while selling Japanese goods online is indeed extremely lucrative, the overall selling process is more complex than the online vending of Taiwanese goods. Therefore, to increase the productivity of Japanese online good vending, research is needed to examine how and why consumers buy products to better predict what sorts of goods and services to provide. Indeed, if one could understand a consumer’s purchase intent, and how they perceive a product may be useful for him, in addition to better understanding the complexities of the online medium used to sell product, one could more efficiently administer these goods online for profit. By making use of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in consumer behavior patterns, we may be better able to understand how consumers who purchase Japanese goods with an instant computer connection accept certain products, and how their purchase intention is influenced by the perceived ease of use, convenience of the store and product. This study explores the practicality of using the TAM for the interpretation of existing consumer purchase intention. Through its application, we investigate seller’s image and trust as external variables to figure out the connection between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and purchase intention for those who have experience buying Japanese goods online with a high speed Internet connection. The results of the study found that the purchase intention was strongly influenced by the trust and ease of use. Overall “usefulness” was influenced by trust and ease of use. This “ease of use” was influenced by the seller’s image. However, it was found that purchase intention through ease of use and usefulness of the seller images was not significant.