標題: 高齡者珠寶幸福感的社交文化脈絡之研究
A Study on Jewelery Well-Being of Elderly social intercourse and behavior pattern
作者: 陳國珍
Chen, Kuo-Jen
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
Deng, Yi-Shin
關鍵字: 高齡者;珠寶;幸福感;社交文化脈絡;elderly;jewelery;well-being;social intercourse
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 全球人口老化(globe population aging)已成為21世紀人類重大的議題之一,臺灣地區逐年攀升的高齡人口比例已於1993年正式進入「高齡化社會」。高齡者面臨自我角色轉換與對於未來的恐懼,嚴重影響高齡者的心理健康。為促進改善高齡者的心理健康,穿戴賞玩珠寶的過程可建立自我統整,具有保持儀態優雅增加個人自信、表徵身份地位財富、呈現社交文化脈絡等要素,達到促進高齡者幸福感的效果。本研究主要探討珠寶幸福感在高齡者社交文化脈絡的意義,藉以提供珠寶設計師更趨近使用者的設計概念,以促進高齡者心理健康減壓的需求。   本研究針對相關文獻進行蒐集、整理與分析外,並透過量化研究問卷調查搭配使用獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後多重比較、Pearson相關分析、多元迴歸分析以瞭解高齡者幸福感與珠寶的關係。本研究結果顯示性別對珠寶穿戴型態、社交活動參與有影響,而婚姻狀況對於幸福感也有影響。而珠寶穿戴型態與社交活動參與有中度正相關,珠寶穿戴和幸福感之間也存在著正向的關係。而社交活動參與和幸福感為低度負相關。   本研究接著採質性研究中的調查研究法、文本分析法、深度訪談法、KJ法,進而獲得珠寶設計相關要素;1.「安全性」、「功能性」和「舒適度」三者對於高齡者使用珠寶而言是設計重點。2.現代高齡者較注重珠寶的設計感以及個人品味的展現,期展現優雅氣質跟文化深度。而代表文化意涵的東方風格在台灣高齡者市場較受歡迎。3.高齡者歷經了人生歲月奮鬥的累積,在欣賞珠寶的氛圍當中,會將珠寶當作緬懷過往成就與懷舊的物件,藉由觀賞珠寶的過程達到舒解壓力療癒心靈的作用。4.珠寶設計師多認同配戴珠寶可以帶給高齡者幸福感,進而有益於身心健康。   本研究最後對非結構化的文字資料進行、文字探勘詞雲、脈絡分析與關聯性分析,找出高齡者相關社交文化脈絡,了解珠寶在高齡者社交行為中所代表的角色定義與關係,分析結果:1.購買珠寶的人大多具有一定經濟能力,而身心狀態較佳者會有與人互動的企圖,也因此較熱衷參與社交活動。2.高齡者所收藏的珠寶多具有人際關係紀念意義有關的回憶,且多為與家人朋友有關的正向意義。高齡者對自己所擁有珠寶具有高度喜好性與依賴性,高齡者會將珠寶當成傳家之寶。3.珠寶在高齡者社交活動中無論是在使用上或是情感上都扮演重要角色,進而增加其正向人際互動社交脈絡與意義,達到幸福感的目的。 現今高齡化的趨勢是全球健康富足的國家發展的必然過程,整體人口高齡化的趨勢提高銀髮族相關設計的重要性。本研究希望能發掘更多高齡者珠寶相關的社交文化脈絡與設計要素,來促進相關產業重視銀髮族使用者經驗的珠寶設計議題,在未來提供給我們長輩在更愉悅更有尊嚴的珠寶消費服務。 關鍵字:高齡者、珠寶、幸福感、社交文化脈絡
Global population aging has already emerged as a key challenge to humanity in the 21st century. Taiwan is also among those societies facing an increasingly ageing demographic since 1993, when Taiwan formally entered “aging society” status. Senior citizens face fears arising from their changing role identity and uncertainty about the future. These in turn exercise affects on senior citizens’ psychological health. To improve the psychological health of senior citizens, wearing jewelry can help establish an integrated self-image which enhances one’s gracefulness and self-esteem, symbolizing one’s social status and wealth, and serving as important elements in their social intercourse context which can exercise efficacy in nurturing the elderly’s sense of well-being. This study primarily explores the significance of the sense of bliss that jewelry provides for the elderly in their social intercourse context, in the hope of informing jewelry designers with design concepts which appeal more to users, and which fulfill the needs of the elderly for reducing stress and improving mental health. This study undertook a literature review, and besides gathering the literature, organization and analysis, quantitative research methods involving the study questionnaire were used with statistical analysis including T test for independent samples, one-way analysis of variance, Scheff’s post hoc method, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis to elucidate the relationships between the elderly’s sense of well-being and their jewelry. The study findings indicate that gender exercises influence on the methods of wearing jewelry, and on social intercourse participation, while marital status also exercises affects on well-being. The relation between methods of wearing jewelry and social intercourse participation are moderately related, while there is a positive correlation between wearing jewelry and the sense of well-being. Social participation and the sense of well-being however had only a low negative correlation. Then the study applied qualitative research through survey research, text analysis, in-depth interviewing, and the KJ method, which resulted in the following findings regarding the key elements for jewelry design: 1. The three factors of “safety/security”, “functionality”, and “comfort” were critical design elements for use of jewelry among the elderly. 2. Today’s elderly relatively emphasize jewelry’s sense of design and expression of their personal taste, reflecting their elegance and depth of cultural refinement. Moreover those elements which convey the Oriental style and cultural significance are more welcome in the Taiwan elderly’s market for jewelry. 3. Since the elderly have already underwent the vicissitudes of life, when they enjoy the ambiance of jewelry, they view jewelry as a means of reminiscing about their past accomplishments or past things, so the process of enjoying their jewelry can relieve stress and prove therapeutic to the heart and soul. 4. Jewelry designers should appreciate how wearing jewelry can enhance the elderly’s sense of well-being, and thus stimulate their physical and mental health and well-being. Finally, this study used text mining clouds, contextual analysis, and relevance to analyze the unstructured text material, eliciting the social intercourse cultural context analysis of the elderly, to appreciate the significance and relations of the roles which jewelry play in the elderly’s social intercourse, finding that: 1. Most purchasers of jewelry are of certain financial means, and among those with better health there will be a desire to engage others in social interactions, which results in their being better able to engage in social intercourse. 2. Most of the jewelry kept by the elderly have significance for reminiscence about interpersonal relations, especially for positive significance with their family and friends. The elderly tend to have very high degrees of appreciation and dependence for their jewelry, and most elderly view their jewelry as heirlooms to treasure and pass on. 3. Jewelry in the elderly’s social intercourse context plays important roles both in terms of use and emotionally, fostering significance and positive interpersonal relations in social intercourse, to achieve the goal of sensing well-being. The ageing society represents a global emerging trend which affects the health and prosperity of all the developed nations, and as the overall population ages the importance of design for the elderly is also enhanced. This study aims to elucidate the design elements relevant to elderly jewelry and their social intercourse context, to thereby enhance industry attention to the experiences of the elderly in using jewelry and its relevance to jewelry design issues, so that in the future jewelry consumption services will provide our senior citizens with greater joy and greater dignity. Keywords: elderly, jewelery , well-being , social intercourse
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079442802