標題: 汽機車特性對年長者穿越道路決策行為之影響
Exploring the Influence of Vehicle Features on Street Crossing Behaviors in Old Adults
作者: 賴易聖
Lai, Yi-Sheng
Chung, Yi-Shih
關鍵字: 道路穿越能力;行人安全;車流環境;機車騎士衣著;高齡者;Road crossing capability;Pedestrian safety;Traffic environment;Motor rider clothing;Elderly
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 近年健康意識抬頭,社會大眾已逐漸將慢跑步行作為現今的一種移動的選擇之一,但是現階段的社會環境,對於行人步行環境的相關設施的不完善度仍高,大部分的地區仍未做好行人的基礎建設,並提供保障安全的舒適環境,容易造成許多行人與車輛間的交通事故意外發生,因此本研究以行人角度,欲了解在不同的車流環境下,在行人之穿越道路決策時,可能影響其決策判斷的相關因素。 本實驗共招募84名受測者,包含42名高齡者及42名青壯年,並在實驗室架設模擬實驗之環境,測試其實際與想像行走穿越能力、預估車輛到達時間能力、道路穿越的決策行為及安全性,在道路穿越的決策行為場景,加入了不同的來車種類,以及對於機車騎士之衣著顏色的改變,欲了解影響安全性之因素,嘗試從影響因素中提出可能提升行人穿越道路安全性的方式。 實驗結果顯示出對於高齡者在實際與想像行走穿越能力、對於車輛到達時間預估能力較青壯年為差,而做出穿越決策平均花費的時間亦較青壯年慢,而實際與想像行走穿越能力、預估車輛到達時間能力、道路穿越的決策時間,三者能力越差、決策時間越久,皆會使穿越的安全性降低。在來車車種方面,則結果證實行人對於來車的體積越大、機車騎士衣著顏色越明顯,越容易做出安全的穿越道路決策行為。因此本研究建議可以利用此三項穿越能力去研擬教育訓練方式,能夠提升行人對於自身的認知能力以及對於外部環境的判斷,同時也須提高行人對於來車的感知程度,在道路環境設置有助於行人對於來車感知程度的輔助工具,提升行人穿越的安全性。
Recently, with the growth of health awareness, the community has gradually chosen walking as one of their moving methods. However, the social environment nowadays does not provide enough pedestrian walking facilities. Most areas still lack pedestrian infrastructure that should have provided a safe and comfortable environment. This results in many traffic accidents between pedestrians and vehicles. Therefore, this study is based on pedestrians, aiming to understand whether different traffic flow types will influence pedestrians’ decision-making while crossing the road. In this experiment, 84 participants, including 42 elders and 42 young adults, were involved. They are tested of their actual and imaginary walking ability, time-to-arrival (TTA) estimation ability, road crossing decision-making behavior and security. In the decision-making behavior scene, different types of vehicles are added, and the color of the scooter rider's clothes also changes, in order to find the factors that may raise the safety of pedestrians crossing the road. The experimental results show that the elders have worse abilities of actual and imaginary walking and time-to-arrival(TTA) estimation than those of young adults. In addition, the average time of making the crossing decision is slower than that of the young adults. The worse the three abilities are, the longer the decision-making time will take, which will reduce the safety of crossing the road. As for the different types of vehicles, the results confirm that if the car is bigger or if the color of the scooter rider’s clothes is more distinct, it is easier for them to make a safe crossing decision. Therefore, this study suggests that these three capabilities can be considered when developing educational training methods. It will enhance the pedestrians’ cognitive ability and the judgment of external environments. It is also necessary to increase the perception of the traffic of pedestrians, by setting up some auxiliary tools on the road to raise the degree of awareness of the cars, in order to improve the safety of pedestrian crossing.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453620