標題: 動作想像能力於道路穿越行為之應用:以臺灣高齡行人為對象之實證研究
Effect of motor imagery on road crossing behaviors: Case study of Taiwanese elderly pedestrians
作者: 張旗晏
Chang, Chi-Yen
Feng, Cheng-Min
Chung, Yi-Shih
關鍵字: 行人安全;動作想像;高齡者;穿越決策;Pedestrian Safety;Motor Imagery;Elerly;Crossing decision
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 高齡行人是道路環境當中最脆弱的一環,然而面臨超高齡社會的到來,高齡行人的道路安全已是現代社會不得不面對的重要議題。高齡者在道路穿越上的危險往往來自於其行走速度、認知及感知能力的退化,以至於決策時容易接受過小的間距導致危險,本研究以受試者的動作想像能力作為主要指標,探討高齡行人在執行道路穿越任務時的問題。動作想像係指以想像取代實際執行一項動作的行為,也就是對自身能力的認知,在道路穿越的任務當中是作為能否安全穿越道路的考量因素,能力愈好者,愈可以做出安全的決定。 本研究招募82名受試者,其中包含42名高齡者與40名年輕人,於實驗室中架設模擬環境測試其行走時間、動作想像能力、車輛到達時間估計能力、道路穿越決策行為及安全性,並藉由加入時間提示的方式,嘗試提出對於促進道路穿越安全性的一種解決方式。 實驗結果發現高齡者無論是體能、動作想像能力或者對車輛到達時間預估能力都比年輕人差,導致容易需要更長的決策時間並接受更小的間距,以至於決策安全性較低,加上體能的退化無法及時完成道路的穿越任務。在時間提示加入後能有效提高行人的安全性,雖然高齡者對時間提示的信任程度稍差,仍可作為一種有效的輔助方式。 在體能、認知能力與感知能力皆退化之後,在道路環境中的高齡者曝露在高風險當中,實驗結果證明了認知能力與感知能力與間距選擇、道路安全間的關係,並提出了時間的提示可以提升道路安全。因此本研究建議在高齡者的道路安全教育中,應著重於對自身體能的認知,並配合時間提示發展行人的智慧型輔助設施。
Road safety of elderly pedestrians is now an important issue in Taiwan. Old pedestrians are more fragile in complicated road-crossing tasks. Due to their poor fitness, cognition and perception, old pedestrians tend to misjudge the situation and accept gaps too small. In this paper, we are going to present how Motor Imagery (MI) effects on road crossing safety. Human with better MI ability were expected to make safer choice in road crossing tasks. In the research, 82 participants, includes 42 old and 40 young, were involved in the experiment, which would test their walking time, MI, time-to-arrival (TTA) estimation ability, and gap acceptance with the safety margin and proportion of safe crossing. Hints for time-to-arrival are also included to provide a solution for the problem. Older participants were proved that they are easier to make unsafe choices than the youngers, due to their longer walking time, worse ability of MI and TTA, acceptance to small gaps and long decision time. In addition, the positive effect on decision making with time hint was in the result. In the conclusion, we suggest that recognizing should be an important part of old pedestrians’ safety education. Besides, supporting facilities, such as hint of time, would also be helpful for making safe crossing choice.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353658