Title: 行人違規穿越道路之風險感認
Exploring The Risk Perception of Pedestrian’s Illegal Crossing
Authors: 游姍珊
You, Shan-Shan
Chang, Hsin-Li
Keywords: 違規穿越道路;風險感認;制握信念;結構方程模式;llegal Crossing;Risk perception;Confidence;Structural Equations Model
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 在交通事故傷亡者中,行人的排名僅次於機車與小客車,且行人涉及交通事故的人數仍在持續攀升中,行人交通安全問題是一項新起而值得深切關心的交通問題。以往之行人穿越道路研究多集中於小孩及老人,甚少對年輕力壯之族群的違規穿越道路行為進行研究,本研究特別以年輕力壯之族群進行研究,以凸顯其差異性及優越性。本研究透過量表設計及Rasch分析以篩選合適之量表試題,並以結構方程模式(SEM)驗證本研究所建立之理念架構。研究發現不同的道路環境會產生不同程度之行人違規穿越行為,而行人之安全穿越道路知能、風險感認及自我的制握信念也會影響其違規穿越道路之意向。本研究之結果可應用於特定之交通安全教育以降低行人違規穿越道路之行為意向,並提升民眾安全穿越道路之知能。
Among the fatalities and injuries resulted by traffic accidents, pedestrians ranked the third highest place, next to motorcyclists and car drivers. Although it has been a key issue, the amount of people who involved in the accident are still growing up. In the past, research for pedestrian crossing behavior were almost around with children and elders, less focus on teens and adult, so in this study, the key group will concentrate in young age’s illegal crossing behavior in order to see the difference. This study conducted a series of scale design and applied the Rasch analysis to screen the items of scale, and empirically verified the developed conceptual framework by a structural equations model. The study results indicate illegal crossing behaviors were issued with pedestrian’s safety crossing knowledge, risk perception and the confidence. With different environments and situations, pedestrians tend to have different illegal crossing behavior. The study results could be applied to the safety education in order to lower the intention of illegal crossing and rise the knowledge of safety passing.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453611
Appears in Collections:Thesis