Title: 搭乘大眾捷運系統恐懼迴避行為之量測與影響因素-以臺北捷運為例
Measuring the Fear-Avoidance Behaviors and Their Affecting Factors when Taking Taipei MRT
Authors: 洪偉濠
Hong, Wei-Hao
Chang, Hsin-Li
Keywords: 恐懼;犯罪受害;捷運;結構方程模式;情緒刺激物;Fear;Crime;MRT;Structural Equation Modeling;Emotional Stimuli
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 近年來臺北捷運除了較常見的性騷擾與妨害秘密型態之犯罪,亦出現許多暴力犯罪事件。本篇研究主要目的為探討民眾實際搭乘捷運遭遇各種犯罪行為之實際情況,並發展一套民眾對於搭乘大眾運輸捷運系統恐懼迴避行為之量測,國內針對大眾捷運系統已有相當程度的研究,像是從滿意度研究可分析乘客認為捷運當前急需改善之迫切問題,但對於民眾搭乘大眾運輸系統之恐懼的相關文章鮮少,因此本篇研究欲透過受測者個人資料、社經條件以及搭乘捷運之經驗,探討民眾在搭乘捷運之不同情境對於搭乘捷運的恐懼迴避行為。並根據文獻提及,搭乘捷運之恐懼會受到間接被害經驗、制握信念、被害風險感認、環境知覺與訊息性社會支持之構面影響,並透過結構方程模式進行各構面路徑分析,探討各構面之間顯著相關性,找出受測者中對於搭乘捷運時高度易受到恐慌之潛在族群。從研究結果中可發現,各構面中除了環境知覺與恐懼迴避行為呈現不顯著外,其餘顯著性則與研究假設相符合。此外,「恐懼」為一負面情緒之感受,本研究同時透過「情緒刺激物」實驗進行操弄檢定,觀察是否原本恐懼感較低者受到負面框架訊息刺激後,會產生較高的恐懼感;原先具有較高恐懼感的受測者,是否會受到正面訊息的刺激,而減低其恐懼感。從情緒刺激物實驗結果可得知,受到負面訊息刺激會感到非愉悅與激動並同時提高恐懼感,受到正面訊息刺激會感到愉悅且消弭其恐懼。此結果可做為捷運公司加強捷運安全措施宣導之依據,提供乘客更加安全之搭乘環境。
In recent years, except for the commonly seen crimes as sexual harassments and offenses against privacy, there are many other kinds of violent crimes happened. The purpose of this study is to understand the real situation while people actually suffer criminal acts in mass rapid transit system (MRTS), and we developed a model to measure the fear-avoidance behaviors of the public. There has been many considerable degree researches for MRTS, such as we can analyze the urgent issues of passengers from the satisfaction surveys. However, it still lacks for discussing the fear about Taipei MRT-taking and its factor. Therefore, this research hopes to explore the fear-avoidance behaviors of Taipei MRT-taking under different situations by basing on the subjects’ personal information, socioeconomic statuses and the MRT-taking experiences. According to the references, the fear of MRT-taking would be influenced by the indirect victim experiences, locus of control, risk-perception of crime, environmental perception and informational social support. By using structural equation modeling to analyze the path coefficient of each latent and investigate the significant correlation between latent, we could find out the potential group who are vulnerable to panic while taking the MRT from the subjects. From our results, excepts for the environmental perception and the fear-avoidance behavior were insignificant, the significances of other latent corresponded to the hypothesis. In addition, since “fear” is a negative emotional feeling, we used “emotional stimuli” experiments to perform manipulation checking, and observed whether the subject with lower fear will suffer higher fear after negative stimuli experiment; and reciprocally, the subject with higher fear will alleviate the fear after positive stimuli experiment. From the results of emotional stimuli experiments, we learned that the negative stimuli would make the subjects depressed and impatient and simultaneously raise fear, but the positive stimuli would pleasure subjects and release fear. This result could be the criteria for Taipei MRT Company to modify and improve the safety policy promotion; and hence, to provide more safety MRT-taking environments for passengers.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353618
Appears in Collections:Thesis