Title: 台灣地區機車使用者風險感認與駕駛行為關聯之研究
Exploring the Relationship between the Risk Perception and Driving Behavior for Motorcyclists in Taiwan
Authors: 王建仁
Wang, Chien-Jen
Dr. Chang, Hsin-Li
Keywords: 機車使用者;風險感認;駕駛行為;線性結構方程;motorcyclist;risk perception;driving behavior;linear structural equation model
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 國內機車相關交通事故頻繁,且與機車使用者之駕駛行為有高度關連;而使用者之駕駛行為與其對該行為之風險感認程度關係密切。回顧過去道路使用者風險感認相關文獻,多以汽車使用者為主要探討對象,且偏重於使用者風險感認程度影響因素之探討,對於駕駛人風險感認與駕駛行為間之關聯則著墨較少。因此本研究企圖瞭解台灣地區機車使用者對於駕駛機車及分項冒險性駕駛行為之風險感認程度,並發掘感認與行為其間關係,以作為未來政府相關單位制訂機車管理與駕駛教育之政策參考。
Motorcyclists in Taiwan are significantly overrepresented among drivers involved in traffic accidents and fatalities, and the majority of motorcycle accidents are directly attributable to human factors. According to risk perception theory, risk-taking behavior is mediated by the level of perceived risk in the outcome of the behavior. To provide sufficient information of reference for the authorities to constitute road safety policy, this study is undertaken to explore the level of human recognition behind each risk-taking behavior and the relationship between these two dimensions.
Based on the Mathews’ risk perception conceptual framework (1986) and other risk perception research, a risk perception model for the motorcyclists in Taiwan was developed, and a questionnaire was then designed to collect the required data for model calibration. The survey was conducted by interviewing the motorcyclists in seven counties in Northern Taiwan during March of 2003, and 444 effective samples were collected for empirical study in this research. The descriptive statistics, multivariate statistical analysis, linear structural equation model, and logistic regression model were employed in this study.
T he study results indicate that motorcyclists in Taiwan consider the chance of being involved in traffic accidents to be rare, and the perceived risk of motorcyclist determines the frequency of risk-taking behavior. Further efforts should be aimed to enhance the motorcyclists’ perception about the potential danger of risk-taking behavior through training and driving instruction, road engineer construction, and traffic safety educational program under the supervision of the government.
The results of this study also show that different genders, ages, exposure (driving miles per year), accident experiences, sensation-seeking desires, self-awareness of driving skills, and frequency of risk-taking behavior, are found to cause different level of perceived risk of motorcycling and respective risk-taking driving behavior. Different strategies should be applied to motorcyclists in terms of their various attitudes. For example, switching the focus on high sensation-seeking to healthful activities, emphasizing the likelihood of being involved in road accidents when taking risk behavior, ensuring all motorcyclists having the ability to ride safely, and adapting the insurance of motorcyclists according to their road behavioral records.
Appears in Collections:Thesis