標題: 行人穿越道路分心行為之意圖
The intention of pedestrians’ distracted behavior in crosswalks
作者: 廖儀蓓
Liao, Yi-Pei
關鍵字: 行人分心行為;行人穿越道路;計畫行為理論;結構方程模式;Pedestrian distraction behavior;Pedestrian in crosswalks;Theory of Planned Behavior;Structure Equation Modeling
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 行人於通過路口時發生事故的原因,除汽、機車的疏忽外,常常是行人於通過路口時漫不經心,甚至還會與同行者聊天、聽耳機、低頭滑手機而無法注意周遭可能的危害情形所致,這樣的情況尤其在一款擴增實境遊戲--寶可夢的盛行後,更加明顯。本研究以計畫行為理論探討行人於分心使用手機傳訊息、聽音樂、通話、使用應用程式,甚至是玩手機遊戲時穿越道路之行為,是受到那些因素之影響,期望能作為教育行人建立自我保護意識與安全的用路行為,以及給予政府制訂行人交通安全政策時之參考。本研究先由國內外文獻回顧與行人事故資料分析來瞭解行人穿越道路分心特性,以作為探討行人穿越道路分心行為意向因素與發展問卷量表的基礎,再以計畫行為理論為架構,使用線性結構方程式驗證行人對於穿越道路分心之行為意向模式,並以路徑分析討論各構面的關聯程度。結果顯示:「知覺行為控制」對穿越道路分心行為意向有最顯著影響,其次為「態度」,「主觀規範」則為負向關係;而穿越道路分心行為的產生是由「知覺行為控制」與「分心行為意向」而來。態度構面中顯著影響因子為「會比較方便」、「會節省時間」;規範構面中較顯著影響因子為「朋友」、「同事(同學)」;知覺行為控制構面中較顯著影響因子為「一群人一起走」、「趕時間的時候」。
There were a lot of casualties who were injured by crossing road. The causes were not only the negligence of the driver, but also the distraction of the pedestrian. Even more, there were more dangerous conditions to the pedestrian when they were crossing the road, such as talking with companion, wearing earphone or using mobile phone. More and more accidents happened after the lunch of the Augmented Reality Game “Pokemon Go”. That is why so many injury cases of pedestrian in Taiwan.The purpose of this study is used by Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to analysis the factors which cause the pedestrian’s distracted behavior, including texting message by mobile phone, listening to music, having a phone call, using program or playing game of mobile phone. The result of this study is expected to educate pedestrian about having self-protect consciousness and secure ways of crossing road, it also be reference to government in determining traffic policy about pedestrian.This study consulted domestic and foreign references and the statistics of pedestrian’s accident first, to realize the characteristics of the pedestrian’s distraction. According to those references and statistics to discuss the factors of pedestrian’s distracted behavior and design relevant questionnaire. Then, under Theory of Planned Behavior, using Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) to testified behavioral intention of the pedestrian’s distraction and using path-analysis to find out the correlation in all aspects. The major results of this study shows that perceived behavior control is the most dominate factor in the pedestrian’s distraction behavior in crosswalk model;the next factor is attitude toward the behavior;the last one is subject norm, and its weight is negative. In addition, the distracted behavior in crosswalk will be composed by the factors of perceived behavior control and intention of distracted behavior. The important factors of attitude toward the behavior are “more convenient”, and “more save time”; The important factors of subject norm are “friends”, and “colleague or classmate”;The important factors of perceived behavior control are “A group of people walk together”, “rush through”, “other pedestrians also use mobile phones”, and “The intersection width is too long”.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453671