標題: 從生態圈與競爭優勢探討台灣品牌公司困境與轉型 - 以H公司為例
Predicament and Transformation Analysis of Taiwan Brand Company from Ecosystems and Competitive Advantages: A Case Study of Company H
作者: 陳定倫
Chen, Ting-Lun
Liu, Duen-Ren
關鍵字: 品牌;智慧型手機;五力分析;生態圈;動態競爭;Brand;SmartPhone;Five Force Analysis;EcoSystem;Competitive Advantage
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 台灣高科技公司常受限於市場規模不足,而甘於為國際大廠專業代工,以賺取「毛三到四」的微薄利潤。因此,一旦遇到全球景氣的大波動、主要客戶的訂單變化亦或競爭者的搶單,業績就會受到巨大的影響。然而,台灣高科技產業也不乏有一些公司,因長期代工獲得國際一線廠商青睞,並在產業圈上、中、下游生態圈佔有一席之地,自然而然就往自創品牌方向走,其目的為「提高利潤」,「累積創新」與「智慧財產專利」,以期企業「永續經營」。 品牌除了建立不易之外,要維持品牌的能見度及顧客的忠誠度,都需要投入大量的財力與物力,並且需持續有叫好又叫座的產品問世,以維持品牌的熱度。鴻海董事長郭台銘曾公開表示,要撐起一個品牌市場,規模人口數至少要有五、六千萬人,台灣人口不到一半,使得自創品牌之路,比經營專業代工廠要辛苦的許多。 要維持台灣自創品牌產品的熱度,並非容易之事,產業上破壞式創新的手法層出不窮,即便是產業界的龍頭,若沒有隨著時代洪流趨勢變化,同步修正公司產品策略,進而發展出市場需求的形貌,很快會被新的後起之秀所取代。智慧型手機公司更是如此,Nokia、RIM、Motorola、宏達電等公司都曾寡占市場多年,擁有不可小覷的地位。但由於市場需求,競爭環境及生態圈(eco-system)快速變化,一旦任何環節沒有辦法持續創新滿足消費者,很快就會被市場所淘汰。 本研究以觀察宏達電從1997年開始代工,到2006年自創品牌並於2011年攀上高峰(年出貨量達四千五百萬台,智慧型手機市佔世界排名第四),再快速的於2012年跌出市佔十名之外的歷程,使用「五力分析模型」,並輔以「生態圈」及「動態競爭」變化來探討宏達電企業經營策略,應如何因應市場變化而產生對策,試圖找到台灣自創品牌企業永續經營的可能方程式。
Taiwan's high-tech companies often become the OEM/ODM partners for other international brand companies with small profit (from 3 to 4%), due to the limited size of their home markets. This could introduce a huge impact of sales performance to OEM/ODM companies, when there exists large fluctuations in the global economy, the main customers change orders, or new competitors jump in. Nevetheless, some Taiwan's high-tech companies, which are excellent OEMs/ODMs, may transfer to brand companies with the objective of improving profits, cumulative innovation and intellectual property patents for business continuity. However, brand is not easy to build up and maintaining brand visibility and customer loyalty requires a lot of financial and resources support. Meanwhile, brand companies need to continue to have outstanding and excellent sales products available in order to maintain brand image. Hon Hai chairman Terry Gou said, the market size of the population for hoading up a brand market, needs to be at least 50 to 60 million people. Taiwan's population is less than half of the market size. The road of OBM looks much harder than OEM/ODM model. It is NOT an easy task to continue offering excellent and good sales products in the market for Taiwan's OBM companies, due to the rapid change of destructive innovation and industrial innovation, even for the market pionior. If companies do not keep up with the market trends and make suitable changes then the new rising star will soon become their replacement. Smarrtphone companies such as Nokia, RIM, HTC all have oligopoly market for many years. However, if there is no continuous innovation to meet consumer expectation, the brand company will soon be phased out, due to rapid changes of market demand in the competitive environment and the ecosystem. This study conducts predicament and transformation analysis of the Taiwan brand company, which was a OEM company from 1997 to 2006 and climbed the peak (in shipments of forty-five million units, smartphone market share ranked fourth in the world in 2011) and then quickly dropped out of the number ten market share in 2012. This study uses the "Five Forces Model" supplemented with ecosystems and competitive advantages to review the changes of case company’s business strategies based on the dynamic market demend and trend changes and try to find possible stretegies to make the case company survive.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363059