標題: Facebook粉絲專頁經營對國外連鎖平價服飾購買意願之影響研究- 以台北市大專院校學生為例
The study on the impact of facebook fan page management on purchase intention for foreign chain budget clothing-the case of the college students in taipei city
作者: 董書含
Tung, Su-Han
Chen, Guang-Hua
關鍵字: 臉書粉絲專頁;購買意願;平價服飾;消費者行為;budget clothing;consumer behavior;facebook fan page;purchase intention
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 近年來,全世界掀起平價時尚的浪潮,國外連鎖平價服飾紛紛進入台灣展店,引起台灣全民購買平價時尚的風潮。此外,伴隨者社群網站的興起,越來越多相關業者將Facebook粉絲專頁納入品牌行銷的重要管道,透過社群操作培養忠誠粉絲,進而促進商品行銷效果。因此本研究之目的即探討Facebook粉絲專頁經營對於台北市大專院校學生購買國外連鎖平價服飾意願之影響。 本研究採用EKB消費者行為模式,分析台北市大專院校學生之基本特徵與獲得國外連鎖平價服飾之相關資訊來源、購買動機,以及對Facebook粉絲專頁經營構面之重視程度是否有差異存在。進而分析Facebook專頁經營是否影響消費者購買國外連鎖平價服飾之購買意願。在Facebook粉絲專頁經營衡量,本研究採介面易用性、資訊實用性、社會互動性、事件娛樂性四個構面進行衡量。 本研究針對台北市大專院校學生進行網路問卷調查,問卷總計發放並收回454份,實際有效問卷為393進行統計分析。根據結果顯示,Facebook粉絲專頁經營衡量中之介面易用性、資訊實用性、社會互動性、事件娛樂性均對於台北市大專院校學生購買國外連鎖平價服飾之購買意願有正向的影響。本研究根據研究發現提出行銷之建議,以提供國外連鎖平價服飾相關業者參考。
In recent years, fast fashion has spung up in the world. Foreign chain budget cothing are popular around the world . Moreover, due to the rise of social networking sites, there are an increasing numbers of companies using Facebook fan page to cultimate consumer loyalty and build up brand reputation. Facebook fan page is considered to be an useful way to promote companies’ products. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore whether Facebook fan page has impact on purchase intention for foreign chain budget clothing. The study uses EKB consumer behavior model as the framework to analyze the difference from the demograpahic characteristics of the college students in Taipei city to the information sources, buying motives, Facebook fan page operation. Besides, this study also analyzes the impact of the Facebook fan page on consumer purchase intention for foreign chain budget clothing. The study uses four dimensions to evaluate the effect of Facebook fan page, including information practicality, ease of using, event entertainment and social interaction. The study has been collected 393 valid questionnaires to carry out statistic analysis. According to the results, this study shows that all four Facebook fan page evaluate dimensions have positive impact on consumer’s purchase intention for foreign chain budget clothing. Based on the findings above, the study provides some marketing suggestions for the related industry of foreign chain budget clothing.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353711