標題: 共振波長可調之 Tamm 電漿子元件之研究
Tunable Tamm plasmon devices
作者: 鄭皓旂
Cheng, Hao-Chi
Jeng, Shie-Chang
Chen, Kuo-Ping
關鍵字: Tamm電漿子;共振波長;可調;元件;Tamm plasmon;resonance wavelength;tunable;device
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本論文將液晶層置於Tamm電漿子元件中金屬與一維光子晶體之間,並且分別改變液晶層之溫度、電場、與厚度,以研究Tamm電漿子元件共振波長的變化。實驗結果顯示,當液晶層等效折射率上升,或厚度增加,共振波長會隨之紅移,反之則藍移。當液晶層厚度約為150 nm時,折射率每變化0.01,共振波長位移1.2 nm。而當液晶層厚度在約450 nm時,厚度每改變1.5 nm,共振波長位移1 nm。
A tunable Tamm plasmon device is proposed by filling liquid crystal (LC) molecules in the cell gap between the metal film and one-dimension photonic crystal. The resonance wavelength of Tamm plasmon device can be tuned by changing the temperature and thickness of liquid LC layer. Experimental results show that the resonance wavelength shows a redshift when the thickness or refractive index of LC layer is increased. When the cell gap of LC layer is ~150 nm, the resonance wavelength can shift ~1.2 nm while the refractive index is changed by 0.01.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070358210