標題: 困守與求變:龍潭茶業轉型之研究
Maintenance and Change:A Study on the Transformation of the Tea Industry in Longtan
作者: 王美晴
Wang, Mei-Ching
Lo, Lieh-Shih
關鍵字: 龍潭;茶業;轉型;社會作用者;Longtan;tea industry;transformation;social agents
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 桃園市龍潭區的客家人產製茶葉至今已有百餘年之歷史,台茶從外銷轉以內銷市場發展,龍潭整體茶產業結構面臨轉型的機會。有些茶農莫可奈何地困守於傳統茶業之中,有些茶農則願意轉型求變。龍潭茶業在社會作用者施為下,將不受消費者喜愛的龍泉包種茶轉作高價精緻的椪風茶與桃映紅茶。傳統茶業亦積極轉型為休閒茶業,茶業者紛紛推出與茶相關的活動,現今龍潭茶業則呈現多元茶業再發展之情況。 本研究透過資料收集、深度訪談、參與觀察,試以社會作用者理論的觀點,將龍潭整體茶業脈絡中找出所涉及的政府公部門、地方派系意見領袖、民間組織與世代茶農等社會作用者們,他們的施為是如何改變既有的茶產業結構來推動整體龍潭茶業之轉型,並且分析桃園龍潭地區茶業轉型所面臨的問題,以及提出對桃園龍潭地區茶業轉型未來發展之建議,期盼能夠給予龍潭與其他國內茶業地區未來轉型走向永續發展的另一種道路。 研究發現有以下七點:一、在龍潭茶業轉型中,政府成為最重要的主導者,但是地方政府存在於中央政府控制下,地方政府對於茶業轉型推動只能給予有限的資源;二、地方派系的鬥爭,影響茶業的發展;三、農會幹部的選任影響著龍潭茶業轉型上的行銷策略;四、有部份的在地社區與協會能將休閒茶業的資源與環境結合;五、茶葉產銷班主要功能在茶葉相關補助上,共同運銷機制卻未有實際的銷售運作;六、龍潭茶農對於茶品、包裝、農法、想法與身分等方面,加上保守態度、政治選舉、政府政策等原因,造成茶農共識無法達成一致;七、大型茶廠轉型速度比小型茶廠來的快,提供最貼近消費者需求的服務。
The Hakka people of Longtan District, Taoyuan has been producing tea more than one century, and experiencing the transformation from exporting market to domestic one. In the changing era, many tea farmers insist on maintaining the tradition, others embracing the change. The age-old Longtan Pauchung tea was eliminated by the more exquisite, hand-made Pongfong tea and Taoyuan black tea. Some traditional farmers eagerly convert to leisure tea farm to attract tourists. Then, we see diverse developments of the Longtan tea industry today. Through an extensive collection of information, in-depth interviews, and participate observation, and in the approach of social agents’ perspective, this study tries to analyze how different social agents changed the existing social structure to promote the transformation of Longtan’s tea industry. We found out there are many agents in the industry which includes government sectors, local factions leaders, civil society organizations (CSOs), and multi-generational tea farmers. By analyzing the problem of transformation, the study provides constructive suggestions for the future development of Longtan’s tea industry. 1.The government plays a critical role in the transformation of Longtan’s tea industry, and under the manipulation of the central government, the local governments can only provide limited resources; 2.Local factions affect the development of the industry; 3.The running offices of the farmers’ association affect the marketing policy of Longtan’s tea industry during its transformation; 4.Some local communities and associations integrated the leisure tea farm industries’ resources with its environment; 5.The Tea Production and Marketing Group provides financial subsidy to farmers; however, it cannot make the production and marketing co-groups; 6.Due to the traditional, conservative culture and partly to politics, the Longtan tea farmers are unable to reach a consensus on the direction of the industry. 7.The larger-scale tea factories transform quicklier than the smaller-scale factories, promptly responding to different consumer demands.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070255512
Appears in Collections:Thesis