標題: 光子晶片上網路訊號傳輸之拓樸最佳化
Topology Optimization Considering Signal Transmissions for Optical NoCs
作者: 賴宏豪
Lai, Hung-Hao
Li, Yih-Lang
關鍵字: 矽光子;光子晶片上網路;網路拓樸;光子損耗;訊息繞送;光子路由器;silicon photonics;optical network-on-chip (ONOC);network topology;optical losses;message routing;optical router
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 由於矽光子技術能提供晶片上網路更高的頻寬與更低的能量消耗,隨著矽光子材料的進步帶給了多核心晶片設計更多的可能性。此趨勢也導致了更多的研究投入光子晶片網路的領域中。有許多因素影響光子晶片上網路的效能,其中包括網路拓樸、傳輸特性、訊息路徑、路由器設計。這些因素彼此之間高度互相影響,但是過去這些因素在自動化領域中僅被獨立分別研究。因此導致最後的設計結果並非真正的最佳解。在本論文中,我們提出了第一個方法同時整合了網路拓樸、傳輸特性、訊息路徑、路由器設計來改善網路拓樸。實驗結果顯示出我們的方法相較於傳統設計可以有效減少能量消耗以及建造成本。
The development of silicon photonics provides a promising solution for multi-processor design, due to its advantages in higher bandwidth and lower power consumption of on-chip communication. This results in increasing demand for the study of optical networks-on-chips (ONoCs). There are many factors affecting the performance of ONoCs including network topology, transmission property, message routing and router design. These factors mutually impact one another, but used to be considered separately in previous design automation work, which leads to deviation from optimality. In this thesis, we propose the first method that handles network topology, transmission property, message routing and router design together to improve the topology of ONoCs. Experimental results show that our method enables significant reduction of power consumption and construction cost compared with conventional designs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070256066